8 Known Ingredients in Total

Unique ingredients have been isolated from this plant.
Plant-Ingredients Associations were manually curated from publications or collected from other databases.

5 Ingredients with Available Activity

Unique ingredients have activity data available.

Ingredient Structrual Cards

Ingredient ID: NPC85813
Formula: C18H32O2

Ingredient ID: NPC292419
Formula: C30H52O

Ingredient ID: NPC290598
Formula: C30H50O

Ingredient ID: NPC264317
Formula: C30H48O3

Ingredient ID: NPC230301
Formula: C29H50O

Ingredient ID: NPC21209
Formula: C6H12O6

Ingredient ID: NPC146631
Formula: C6H14O6

Ingredient ID: NPC113733
Formula: C29H48O


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
NPC113733 C29H48O Stigmasterol 412.37 1.2566 4.54 11.071 1 1 20.23 12 4 30 1
NPC146631 C6H14O6 (2R,3R,4S,5S)-hexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol 182.0790382 -2.9402 1.46 -3.896 6 6 121.38 5 0 12 1
NPC21209 C6H12O6 180.0633881 -2.5134 1.46 -1.697 6 5 110.38 6 1 12 0
NPC230301 C29H50O Beta-Sitosterol 414.39 1.3 4.54 11.595 1 1 20.23 13 4 30 1
NPC264317 C30H48O3 Betulinic Acid 456.36 2.3495 4.43 9.407 3 2 57.53 10 5 33 1
NPC290598 C30H50O Beta-Amyrin 426.39 3.0116 4.65 11.546 1 1 20.23 9 5 31 1
NPC292419 C30H52O 428.4018163 2.4864 4.65 13.026 1 1 20.23 9 5 31 1
NPC85813 C18H32O2 Linoleic Acid 280.24 -0.9485 3.22 7.865 2 1 37.3 16 0 20 2

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