Plant ID: NPO14127
Plant Latin Name: Veratrum eschscholtzii
Taxonomy Genus: Veratrum
Taxonomy Family: Melanthiaceae
NCBI TaxonomyDB:
Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: |
Protein Class | Gene ID | Protein Name | Uniprot ID | Target ChEMBL ID |
Lyase | CA13 | Carbonic anhydrase XIII | Q8N1Q1 | CHEMBL3912 |
Lyase | CA12 | Carbonic anhydrase XII | O43570 | CHEMBL3242 |
Lyase | CA9 | Carbonic anhydrase IX | Q16790 | CHEMBL3594 |
GO Type | GO Category | Enriched GO Terms | p-Value | Adjusted p-Value | Enriched Genes |
MF | GO:0003824; catalytic activity | GO:0004089; carbonate dehydratase activity | 3.789E-10 | 8.250E-06 | CA12, CA13, CA9 |
BP | GO:0008152; metabolic process | GO:0006730; one-carbon metabolic process | 5.945E-09 | 6.473E-05 | CA12, CA13, CA9 |
BP | GO:0051179; localization | GO:0015701; bicarbonate transport | 1.103E-08 | 8.004E-05 | CA12, CA13, CA9 |
MF | GO:0005488; binding | GO:0008270; zinc ion binding | 7.430E-05 | 1.798E-01 | CA12, CA13, CA9 |
BP | GO:0009987; cellular process | GO:0043620; regulation of DNA-templated transcription in response to stress | 1.822E-02 | 1.000E+00 | CA9 |
BP | GO:0032502; developmental process | GO:0002009; morphogenesis of an epithelium | 4.316E-02 | 1.000E+00 | CA9 |
CC | GO:0044464; cell part | GO:0043209; myelin sheath | 2.266E-02 | 1.000E+00 | CA13 |
CC | GO:0016020; membrane | GO:0016323; basolateral plasma membrane | 2.861E-02 | 1.000E+00 | CA9 |
Pathway Category Top Level | Pathway Category Second Level | Pathway ID | Pathway Name | p-Value | Adjusted p-Value | Enriched Genes |
09100 Metabolism | 09102 Energy metabolism | hsa00910 | Nitrogen metabolism | 5.101E-10 | 5.101E-10 | CA12, CA9, CA13 |
ICD10 Disease Category | Disease Name | ICD10 Code | Associated Disease Targets (Association Ref: TTD database) |