Plant ID: NPO241
Plant Latin Name: Teucrium cossonii
Taxonomy Genus: Teucrium
Taxonomy Family: Lamiaceae
NCBI TaxonomyDB:
GLI1; |
Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: |
Protein Class | Gene ID | Protein Name | Uniprot ID | Target ChEMBL ID |
Unclassified | GLI1 | Zinc finger protein GLI1 | P08151 | CHEMBL5461 |
GO Type | GO Category | Enriched GO Terms | p-Value | Adjusted p-Value | Enriched Genes |
BP | GO:0032502; developmental process | GO:0060032; notochord regression | 1.035E-04 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
BP | GO:0032502; developmental process | GO:0007418; ventral midline development | 1.553E-04 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
BP | GO:0023052; signaling | GO:0021938; smoothened signaling pathway involved in regulation of cerebellar granule cell precursor cell proliferation | 2.071E-04 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
BP | GO:0032502; developmental process | GO:0021696; cerebellar cortex morphogenesis | 2.589E-04 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
BP | GO:0032501; multicellular organismal process | GO:0048546; digestive tract morphogenesis | 8.283E-04 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
BP | GO:0032501; multicellular organismal process | GO:0009954; proximal/distal pattern formation | 1.346E-03 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
BP | GO:0032501; multicellular organismal process | GO:0021983; pituitary gland development | 1.398E-03 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
BP | GO:0008152; metabolic process | GO:0045740; positive regulation of DNA replication | 2.847E-03 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
BP | GO:0032501; multicellular organismal process | GO:0030324; lung development | 3.935E-03 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
BP | GO:0050896; response to stimulus | GO:0009611; response to wounding | 9.267E-03 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
MF | GO:0140110; transcription regulator activity | GO:0003705; transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific binding | 5.125E-03 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
MF | GO:0005488; binding | GO:0000978; RNA polymerase II proximal promoter sequence-specific DNA binding | 2.040E-02 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
MF | GO:0005488; binding | GO:0003682; chromatin binding | 2.594E-02 | 1.000E+00 | GLI1 |
Pathway Category Top Level | Pathway Category Second Level | Pathway ID | Pathway Name | p-Value | Adjusted p-Value | Enriched Genes |
09160 Human Diseases | 09161 Cancers | hsa05217 | Basal cell carcinoma | 2.750E-03 | 5.500E-03 | GLI1 |
09130 Environmental Information Processing | 09132 Signal transduction | hsa04340 | Hedgehog signaling pathway | 2.500E-03 | 5.500E-03 | GLI1 |
09130 Environmental Information Processing | 09132 Signal transduction | hsa04024 | cAMP signaling pathway | 9.950E-03 | 1.327E-02 | GLI1 |
09160 Human Diseases | 09161 Cancers | hsa05200 | Pathways in cancer | 1.985E-02 | 1.985E-02 | GLI1 |
ICD10 Disease Category | Disease Name | ICD10 Code | Associated Disease Targets (Association Ref: TTD database) |