Component: Lycopodium japonicum 伸筋草

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Lycopodium japonicum
English Name
Common japanese clubmoss
Chinese Pinyin Name
Shen Jin Cao
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
For dispelling wind-dampness
Therapeutic Class Chinese
relieve rheumatic conditions and muscular contracture
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMF3548 Feng Shi Zhen Tong Pills 风湿镇痛丸
TCMF3598 Feng Tong Pills 风痛丸
TCMF6895 Gen Tong Ping Capsules 根痛平胶囊
TCMF860 Gen Tong Ping Granules 根痛平颗粒
TCMF7118 Gen Tong Ping Pills 根痛平丸
TCMF6988 Gen Tong Ping Tablets 根痛平片
TCMF3522 Gu Tong Yao Wine 骨痛药酒
TCMF3669 Guan Jie Feng Tong Pills 关节风痛丸
TCMFx3678 Guan Jie Jie Tong Ointment 关节解痛膏
TCMF6981 Gui Yuan Jin Gu Ning Shi Fu Ji 归元筋骨宁湿敷剂
TCMF4284 Jin Gu Ning Cha Ji 筋骨宁搽剂
TCMF7034 Jin Shang Ning Shi Fu Ji 筋伤宁湿敷剂
TCMF4557 Jiu Zhi Xi Xian Cao Yao Wine 九制豨莶草药酒
TCMFx4456 Pan Long Qi Tablets 盘龙七片
TCMFx4463 Pan Long Qi Yao Wine 盘龙七药酒
TCMF5164 San She Yao Wine 三蛇药酒
TCMFx5886 Shao Lin Zheng Gu Jing 少林正骨精
TCMFx5358 Shen Nong Yao Wine 神农药酒
TCMF2548 Shoulder Condensation Decoction
TCMFx5416 Shu Jin Huo Xue Tablets 舒筋活血片
TCMFx1146 Shu Tong An Plastics 疏痛安涂膜剂
TCMFx5613 Shu Tong An Tu Mo Ji 疏痛安涂膜剂
TCMFx2237 Tablet for Relieving Rigidity of Muscles and Promoting Blood Circulation 舒筋活血片
TCMFx5535 Tian Qi Die Da Feng Shi Ruan Ointment 田七跌打风湿软膏
TCMFx982 Tong Bi Capsule 通痹胶囊
TCMFx5293 Wai Yong Wu Di Ointment 外用无敌膏
TCMF5409 Wang Bi Granules 尪痹颗粒
TCMF554 Wang Bi Granules 尪痹颗粒
TCMF553 Wang Bi Tablet 尪痹片
TCMF5417 Wang Bi Tablets 尪痹片
TCMFx6488 Xiao Zhong Tong Cu Ointment 消肿痛醋膏
TCMFx6031 Yang Xue Rong Jin Pills 养血荣筋丸
TCMFx837 Yang Xue Rong Jin Pills 养血荣筋丸
TCMFx6216 Zhong Feng Hui Chun Pills 中风回春丸
TCMFx326 Zhong Feng Hui Chun Pills 中风回春丸
TCMFx327 Zhong Feng Hui Chun Tablet 中风回春片

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID
TCMT11 HIF1A Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha Transcription factor Q16665
TCMT134 CA2 Carbonic anhydrase II Lyase P00918
TCMT137 CA9 Carbonic anhydrase IX Lyase Q16790
TCMT156 CYP19A1 Cytochrome P450 19A1 Oxidoreductase P11511
TCMT159 TYR Tyrosinase Oxidoreductase P14679
TCMT2 MAPT Microtubule-associated protein tau Unclassified P10636
TCMT215 CYP1A1 Cytochrome P450 1A1 Oxidoreductase P04798
TCMT219 CYP1A2 Cytochrome P450 1A2 Oxidoreductase P05177
TCMT240 AMY1A Salivary alpha-amylase Unclassified P04745
TCMT257 CYP1B1 Cytochrome P450 1B1 Oxidoreductase Q16678
TCMT31 CYP2C19 Cytochrome P450 2C19 Oxidoreductase P33261
TCMT33 CYP3A4 Cytochrome P450 3A4 Oxidoreductase P08684
TCMT34 CYP2D6 Cytochrome P450 2D6 Oxidoreductase P10635
TCMT41 IDH1 Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP] cytoplasmic Oxidoreductase O75874
TCMT42 KMT2A Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase MLL Transferase Q03164
TCMT423 EGFR Epidermal growth factor receptor erbB1 Kinase P00533
TCMT63 PPARA Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha Nuclear receptor Q07869
TCMT64 PPARD Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta Nuclear receptor Q03181
TCMT67 PPARG Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma Nuclear receptor P37231
TCMT69 THRB Thyroid hormone receptor beta-1 Nuclear receptor P10828
TCMT80 MAPK1 MAP kinase ERK2 Kinase P28482
TCMT87 CYP2C9 Cytochrome P450 2C9 Oxidoreductase P11712

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name
TCMT1104 Sortase
TCMT1181 Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra
TCMT1218 Staphylococcus aureus
TCMT1438 Plasmodium falciparum
TCMT1455 Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
TCMT1463 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
TCMT1465 Entamoeba histolytica

Ingredient Structrues

Ingredient ID: TCMC995
Formula: C35H60O6

Ingredient ID: TCMC886
Formula: C18H38O

Ingredient ID: TCMC717
Formula: C12H16O7

Ingredient ID: TCMC711
Formula: C21H20O10

Ingredient ID: TCMC606
Formula: C16H12O5

Ingredient ID: TCMC2700
Formula: C22H22O11

Ingredient ID: TCMC2404
Formula: C30H50

Ingredient ID: TCMC2186
Formula: C30H62

Ingredient ID: TCMC1898
Formula: C15H12O4


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
TCMC606 C16H12O5 Acacetin 284.07 -1.476 2.67 2.086 1 2 75.99 5 3 21 0
TCMC711 C21H20O10 Apigetrin 432.11 -3.6314 2.67 0.459 6 6 166.14 10 4 31 1
TCMC717 C12H16O7 Arbutin 272.09 -2.6675 2.01 -0.238 5 5 119.61 8 2 19 0
TCMC886 C18H38O Cetostearyl Alcohol 270.29 -5.0054 3.33 8.817 1 1 20.23 18 0 19 2
TCMC995 C35H60O6 Daucosterol 576.44 -0.4469 4.65 10.487 6 4 99.38 19 5 41 1
TCMC1898 C15H12O4 Pinocembrin 256.07 -1.3541 2.67 2.493 1 2 66.76 3 3 19 0
TCMC2186 C30H62 Triacontane 422.49 -7.9614 4.76 17.41 0 0 0 29 0 30 2
TCMC2404 C30H50 Squalene 410.39 8.5524 4.76 11.482 0 0 0 23 0 30 2
TCMC2700 C22H22O11 7-O-Beta-D-Glucopyranoside 462.12 -3.6832 2.67 0.015 6 6 175.37 12 4 33 1

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