Component: Trogopterus xanthipes 五灵脂

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Trogopterus xanthipes
English Name
Trogopterus dung
Chinese Pinyin Name
Wu Ling Zhi
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
Blood activation and stasis removal
Therapeutic Class Chinese
remove blood stasis and alleviate pain, detoxify, stop bleeding (after prepared by frying)
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx3757 Bing Lang Si Xiao Tablets 槟榔四消片
TCMFx1281 Binglang Sixiao Pills, Digestion Pill of Betel Nut 槟榔四消丸
TCMFx1872 Binglang Sixiao Pills, Digestion Pill of Betel Nut 槟榔四消丸
TCMF3155 Chen Xiang Hua Zhi Pills 沉香化滞丸
TCMFx3195 Chen Xiang Shu Qi Pills 沉香舒气丸
TCMFx3755 Da Huang Hua Yu Pills 大黄化瘀丸
TCMF2413 Decoction for Dissipating Blood Stasis under Diaphram, Subdiaphragmatic Blood Mobilizing Decoction 膈下逐瘀汤
TCMF2465 Decoction for Relieving Pantalgia due to Blood Stagnation 身痛逐瘀汤
TCMF3355 Die Da Feng Shi Yao Wine 跌打风湿药酒
TCMFx1448 Ershiwuwei Songshi Pills 二十五味松石丸
TCMFx2629 Ershiwuwei Songshi Pills 二十五味松石丸
TCMF3124 Fu Gui Zi Jin Ointment 附桂紫金膏
TCMF3813 Fu Kang Pills 妇康丸
TCMF3861 Fu Ke Hui Sheng Pills 妇科回生丸
TCMFx3932 Fu Ke Wu Jin Pills 妇科乌金丸
TCMFx3045 Fu Nv Tong Jing Pills 妇女痛经丸
TCMF3650 Gan Tai Infusion 肝泰冲剂
TCMFx1862 GFYL Decoction 桂附益苓汤
TCMF4319 He Luo Shu Gan Capsules 和络舒肝胶囊
TCMF4327 He Luo Shu Gan Tablets 和络舒肝片
TCMFx4433 Hong Hua Die Da Pills 红花跌打丸
TCMFx365 Hua Zheng Hui Sheng Tablet 化症回生片
TCMF4401 Huo Xue Tiao Jing Pills 活血调经丸
TCMF2556 Jiebai Pills 洁白丸
TCMF1410 Jiebai Pills 洁白丸
TCMF4527 Jiu Qi Xin Tong Pills 九气心痛丸
TCMF2273 Jiuqi Niantong Pills 九气拈痛丸
TCMF1367 Jiuqi Niantong Pills 九气拈痛丸
TCMF4859 Kai Yu Shu Gan Pills 开郁舒肝丸
TCMFx6879 Ke Chuan An Oral Liquid 咳喘安口服液
TCMFx4581 Kuan Zhong Shun Qi Pills 宽中顺气丸
TCMFx1498 Laughless Powder 失笑散
TCMF4870 Li Qi Shu Xin Tablets 理气舒心片
TCMFx4186 Liang Cai Xin Die Da Pills 梁财信跌打丸
TCMFx4267 Ling Xian Die Da Tablets 灵仙跌打片
TCMFx2190 Lower Abdomen Blood Mobilizing Decoction 少腹逐瘀汤
TCMFx4318 Mao Ji Bu Xue Wine 毛鸡补血酒
TCMF4444 Pai Shi Li Dan Granules 排石利胆颗粒
TCMFx432 Ping Xiao Capsule 平消胶囊
TCMFx4646 Ping Xiao Capsules 平消胶囊
TCMFx431 Ping Xiao Tablet 平消片
TCMFx4654 Ping Xiao Tablets 平消片
TCMF2474 Qi-Regulating and Heart-Soothing Tablet 理气舒心片
TCMFx1936 Qiwei Tiexie Pills 七味铁屑丸
TCMFx1293 Qiwei Tiexie Pills 七味铁屑丸
TCMF5297 Quan Zhou Bai Cao Qu 泉州百草曲
TCMFx2406 Saint Cover Ruo Opening Decoction
TCMFx5230 San Jie Ling Capsules 散结灵胶囊
TCMFx5065 San Qi Huo Xue Pills 三七活血丸
TCMFx5552 Shan Zha Nei Xiao Pills 山楂内消丸
TCMFx5662 Shang Ke Die Da Pills 伤科跌打丸
TCMFx5654 Shang Ke Die Da Tablets 伤科跌打片
TCMFx6989 Shang Tong Die Da Pills 伤痛跌打丸
TCMFx1356 Shaofu Zhuyu Pills 少腹逐瘀丸
TCMFx2235 Shaofu Zhuyu Pills 少腹逐瘀丸
TCMFx5047 She Yao Pills 蛇咬丸
TCMF5032 Shi Xiang Ding Tong Pills 十香定痛丸
TCMFx5846 Shi Xiao Powder 失笑散
TCMF1384 Shi'erwei Yishou Powder 十二味翼首散
TCMF2408 Shi'erwei Yishou Powder 十二味翼首散
TCMF5272 Shu Gan Bao Kun Pills 舒肝保坤丸
TCMF5335 Shu Gan Diao Qi Pills 舒肝调气丸
TCMF5285 Shu Gan Jian Wei Infusion 舒肝健胃冲剂
TCMF5292 Shu Gan Jian Wei Pills 舒肝健胃丸
TCMF5376 Shu Guan Tablets 舒冠片
TCMF5486 Shu Qi Pills 舒气丸
TCMFx5979 Si Xiao Pills 四消丸
TCMFx2283 Stagnation Desolving Period Decoction 化瘀止崩汤
TCMF2449 Stagnation Removing Decoction
TCMFx2574 Stone Remover Combination Recipe 排石合剂
TCMFx5568 Tian Qi Tong Jing Capsules 田七痛经胶囊
TCMFx5576 Tian Qi Tong Jing Powder 田七痛经散
TCMFx5632 Tiao Jing Jian Wei Pills 调经健胃丸
TCMF5674 Tiao Jing Zhi Bao Pills 调经至宝丸
TCMF5691 Tiao Jing Zi Mei Pills 调经姊妹丸
TCMF5708 Tiao Wei Dan 调胃丹
TCMFx5731 Tiao Zhong Si Xiao Pills 调中四消丸
TCMF1101 Tong Jing Bao Granules 痛经宝颗粒
TCMF5086 Tong Jing Bao Granules 痛经宝颗粒
TCMF5102 Tong Jing Ling Granules 痛经灵颗粒
TCMF166 Tong Jing Pills 痛经丸
TCMF5118 Tong Jing Tablets 痛经片
TCMF5650 Wei Huo Ling Tablets 胃活灵片
TCMFx5768 Wei Qi Tong Tablets 胃气痛片
TCMFx5802 Wei Tong Ding 胃痛定
TCMFx5845 Wei Tong Pills 胃痛丸
TCMFx5826 Wei Tong Powder 胃痛散
TCMFx2506 Worm Pill 囊虫丸
TCMFx5477 Wu Jia Pills 五瘕丸
TCMFx5254 Wu Jin Zhi Tong Pills 乌金止痛丸
TCMFx5514 Wu Ling Zhi Tong Capsules 五灵止痛胶囊
TCMFx5596 Wu Xiang Pills 五香丸
TCMF6126 Xiao Ji Pills 消积丸
TCMFx290 Xiao Jin Capsule 小金胶囊
TCMFx5941 Xiao Jin Dan 肖金丹
TCMFx288 Xiao Jin Pills 小金丸
TCMFx289 Xiao Jin Tablet 小金片
TCMFx6483 Xiao Zhong Tablets 消肿片
TCMFx2242 Xiaojin Pellet 小金丹
TCMF7097 Xue Shan Jin Luo Han Zhi Tong Tu Mo Ji 雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂
TCMF6820 Yang Wei Ning Capsules 养胃宁胶囊
TCMFx531 Yang He Jie Ning Ointment 阳和解凝膏
TCMFx6243 Zhen Ling Pills 震灵丸
TCMFx6109 Zhi Shang Xiao Yu Pills 治伤消瘀丸

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name
TCMT1099 Neuraminidase
TCMT1222 Plasmodium falciparum D6
TCMT1382 Plasmodium falciparum (isolate K1 / Thailand)
TCMT1438 Plasmodium falciparum

Ingredient Structrues

Ingredient ID: TCMC2615
Formula: C20H30O

Ingredient ID: TCMC2386
Formula: C20H32O

Ingredient ID: TCMC2200
Formula: C9H11NO3

Ingredient ID: TCMC1324
Formula: C30H18O10


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
TCMC1324 C30H18O10 Hinokiflavone 538.09 -3.4628 3.66 3.189 2 5 162.98 9 6 40 0
TCMC2200 C9H11NO3 Tyrosine 181.07 -1.5447 2.01 -1.577 3 3 83.55 6 1 13 0
TCMC2386 C20H32O 1Isopimara-8,15-Dien-3Beta-Ol 288.25 2.2745 3.55 5.558 1 1 20.23 6 3 21 1
TCMC2615 C20H30O Ferruginol 286.23 1.3229 3.55 8.211 0 1 20.23 7 3 21 1

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