8 Known Ingredients in Total

Unique ingredients have been isolated from this plant.
Plant-Ingredients Associations were manually curated from publications or collected from other databases.

7 Ingredients with Available Activity

Unique ingredients have activity data available.

Ingredient Structrual Cards

Ingredient ID: NPC99441
Formula: C10H10O5

Ingredient ID: NPC66404
Formula: C21H24O7

Ingredient ID: NPC295295
Formula: C7H8O2

Ingredient ID: NPC262671
Formula: C8H8O4

Ingredient ID: NPC189823
Formula: C9H10O4

Ingredient ID: NPC164697
Formula: C18H16O7

Ingredient ID: NPC149618
Formula: C19H18O8

Ingredient ID: NPC105648
Formula: C16H14O7


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
NPC105648 C16H14O7 Lecanoric Acid 318.07 -0.4278 2.45 3.092 3 4 124.29 10 2 23 0
NPC149618 C19H18O8 Atranorin 374.1 0.2728 2.67 4.034 4 3 130.36 13 2 27 0
NPC164697 C18H16O7 (-)-Usnic Acid 344.09 -1.202 2.67 0.819 4 3 121.13 9 3 25 0
NPC189823 C9H10O4 Methyl Orsellinate 182.06 -0.2674 2.01 1.734 2 2 66.76 6 1 13 0
NPC262671 C8H8O4 Orsellinic Acid 168.04 -0.5184 1.9 1.413 2 3 77.76 5 1 12 0
NPC295295 C7H8O2 Orcinol 124.05 -0.2786 2.01 1.193 0 2 40.46 3 1 9 0
NPC66404 C21H24O7 388.1522031 -1.6519 3 5.887 3 3 113.29 15 2 28 1
NPC99441 C10H10O5 Methyl Haematommate 210.05 -0.4598 2.01 2.243 3 2 83.83 7 1 15 0

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