Component: Rhizoma dryopteris crassirhizomae 绵马贯众

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Rhizoma dryopteris crassirhizomae
English Name
Male fern rhizome
Chinese Pinyin Name
Mian Ma Guan Zhong
TCM Properties
Minor cold,Bitter
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
Therapeutic Class Chinese
remove heat and counteract toxicity, expel intestinal worms, stanch bleeding
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx778 Fu Fang Qing Dai Pills 复方青黛丸
TCMFx2198 Guts Decoction
TCMF2545 Hepatitis B Removing Decoction
TCMFx580 Kang Gan Oral Liquid 抗感口服液
TCMFx571 Lian Hua Qing Wen Capsule 连花清瘟胶囊
TCMFx572 Lian Hua Qing Wen Granules 连花清瘟颗粒
TCMFx555 Lian Hua Qing Wen Tablet 连花清瘟片
TCMFx4368 Mei Weng Tui Re Granules 梅翁退热颗粒
TCMFx4376 Mei Weng Tui Re Tablets 梅翁退热片
TCMFx5051 Tong Ren Da Huo Luo Pills 同仁大活络丸
TCMF6825 Yin Lian Qing Gan Recipe 茵莲清肝合剂

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID
TCMT132 BCHE Butyrylcholinesterase Hydrolase P06276
TCMT17 POLB DNA polymerase beta Transferase P06746
TCMT2 MAPT Microtubule-associated protein tau Unclassified P10636
TCMT232 ABCB1 P-glycoprotein 1 Transporter P08183
TCMT281 DPP4 Dipeptidyl peptidase IV Unclassified P27487
TCMT33 CYP3A4 Cytochrome P450 3A4 Oxidoreductase P08684
TCMT8 KDM4E Lysine-specific demethylase 4D-like Oxidoreductase B2RXH2

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name
TCMT1218 Staphylococcus aureus
TCMT1229 Enterococcus faecalis
TCMT1232 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
TCMT1246 Escherichia coli
TCMT1463 Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Ingredient Structrues

Ingredient ID: TCMC993
Formula: C19H12O7

Ingredient ID: TCMC348
Formula: C27H44O7

Ingredient ID: TCMC2421
Formula: C28H46O


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
TCMC348 C27H44O7 20-Hydroxyecdysone 480.31 -1.1982 3.66 1.049 7 6 138.45 16 4 34 1
TCMC993 C19H12O7 Daphnoretin 352.06 -0.4663 2.78 3.359 2 1 91.29 5 4 26 0
TCMC2421 C28H46O 3-Beta-Hydroxyergost-5,24(28)-Diene 398.35 2.1615 4.43 10.105 1 1 20.23 11 4 29 1

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3. Putative Targets  
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5. Ingredient Data & Chemical Structure Information (Properties, InChI, InChIkey, SMILES, etc.)