Component: Fructus gleditsiae abnormalis 猪牙皂

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Fructus gleditsiae abnormalis
English Name
Chinese honeylocust abnormal fruit
Chinese Pinyin Name
Zhu Ya Zao
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
For desolving phlegm, stopping cougth, and soothing breathing
Therapeutic Class Chinese
dispel phlegm , restore consciousness, and reduce modulation and cause the subsidence of swelling
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Shandong Province
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMF2970 Ba Xian You 八仙油
TCMFx3477 Bao Yuan Pills 保元丸
TCMFx3757 Bing Lang Si Xiao Tablets 槟榔四消片
TCMFx1190 Dian Xian Ping Tablet 癫痫平片
TCMFx109 Dian Xian Ping Tablets 癲痫平片
TCMFx3743 Du Ji Du Jiao Ointment 杜记独角膏
TCMF3375 Feng Shi Gao Yao 风湿膏药
TCMFx3495 Feng Shi Tong Yao Wine 风湿痛药酒
TCMF3823 Fu Fang Niu Huang Qing Wei Pills 复方牛黄清胃丸
TCMF795 Fu Fang Niu Huang Qing Wei Pills 复方牛黄清胃丸
TCMFx4399 Granules Sha Capsules 克痢痧胶囊
TCMFx4407 Granules Sha Wei Pills 克痢痧微丸
TCMF3561 Gu Zeng Sheng Zhen Tong Ointment 骨增生镇痛膏
TCMFx1042 Hou Ji Ling Capsule 喉疾灵胶囊
TCMFx4505 Hou Ji Ling Capsules 喉疾灵胶囊
TCMFx4515 Hou Ji Ling Tablets 喉疾灵片
TCMFx4650 Hou Zao Niu Huang Powder 猴枣牛黄散
TCMF4417 Huo Xue Pills 活血丸
TCMFx4520 Jiu Long Hua Feng Pills 九龙化风丸
TCMFx4836 Kai Xiong Li Qi Pills 开胸理气丸
TCMFx253 Kai Xiong Shun Qi Capsule 开胸顺气胶囊
TCMFx597 Ke Li Sha Capsule 克痢痧胶囊
TCMFx4581 Kuan Zhong Shun Qi Pills 宽中顺气丸
TCMF4586 Liu Yu Pills 六郁丸
TCMFx5525 Qing Re Ding Jing Powder 清热定惊散
TCMFx5806 Qing Xin Gun Tan Pills 清心滚痰丸
TCMFx5006 Qing Yu Bi Wen Dan 庆余辟瘟丹
TCMFx490 Qing Yu Pi Wen Dan 庆余辟瘟丹
TCMFx5174 Qu Feng Shi Zhi Tong Powder 祛风湿止痛散
TCMF5069 Qu Feng Su He Pills 驱风苏合丸
TCMFx5429 Sha Qi Pills 痧气丸
TCMFx5421 Sha Qi Powder 痧气散
TCMFx1037 Shu Zheng Tablet 暑症片
TCMFx5979 Si Xiao Pills 四消丸
TCMFx5731 Tiao Zhong Si Xiao Pills 调中四消丸
TCMFx162 Tong Guan Powder 通关散
TCMFx5913 Tong Qiao Powder 通窍散
TCMFx5125 Tong Zhong Ling 痛肿灵
TCMF5332 Wan Ling Jin Gu Ointment 万灵筋骨膏
TCMF5385 Wan Ying Bao Zhen Ointment 万应宝珍膏
TCMF5650 Wei Huo Ling Tablets 胃活灵片
TCMFx5845 Wei Tong Pills 胃痛丸
TCMFx5192 Wo Long Powder 卧龙散
TCMFx5370 Wu Gong Zhui Feng Ointment 蜈蚣追风膏
TCMFx5978 Xiang Gui Huo Xue Ointment 香桂活血膏
TCMFx6762 Xiao Er Ji Jing Powder 小儿急惊散
TCMFx5973 Xiao Er Jie Re Pills 小儿解热丸
TCMFx6021 Xiao Er Jing Feng Qi Li Powder 小儿惊风七厘散
TCMFx6220 Xiao Er Qi Feng Powder 小儿脐风散
TCMFx283 Xiao Er Jie Re Pills 小儿解热丸
TCMFx6327 Xiao Shui Dao Zhi Pills 消水导滞丸
TCMFx6036 Xin Yi Hao Tablets 心益好片
TCMFx1177 Xing Nao Zai Zao Capsules 醒脑再造胶囊
TCMFx6167 Xing Nao Zai Zao Capsules 醒脑再造胶囊
TCMFx6174 Xing Nao Zai Zao Pills 醒脑再造丸
TCMFx552 Yi Xian Pills 医痫丸
TCMFx6262 Zhen Jing Powder 镇惊散
TCMF6475 Zhi Ke Hua Tan Pills 止咳化痰丸
TCMFx6804 Zhi Sheng Bao Yuan Pills 至圣保元丸

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID
TCMT281 DPP4 Dipeptidyl peptidase IV Unclassified P27487
TCMT33 CYP3A4 Cytochrome P450 3A4 Oxidoreductase P08684
TCMT34 CYP2D6 Cytochrome P450 2D6 Oxidoreductase P10635
TCMT41 IDH1 Isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP] cytoplasmic Oxidoreductase O75874

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name
TCMT1251 Candida albicans
TCMT1438 Plasmodium falciparum
TCMT1458 Filobasidiella neoformans
TCMT1465 Entamoeba histolytica

Ingredient Structrues

Ingredient ID: TCMC887
Formula: C16H34O

Ingredient ID: TCMC801
Formula: C29H50O

Ingredient ID: TCMC5883
Formula: C29H50O

Ingredient ID: TCMC3244
Formula: C30H48O4

Ingredient ID: TCMC3218
Formula: C26H54O

Ingredient ID: TCMC3068
Formula: C29H60


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
TCMC801 C29H50O Beta-Sitosterol 414.39 1.3 4.54 11.595 1 1 20.23 13 4 30 1
TCMC887 C16H34O Cetyl Alcohol 242.26 -4.4294 3.11 7.679 1 1 20.23 16 0 17 2
TCMC3068 C29H60 Nonacosane 408.4695019 -7.6734 4.65 16.841 0 0 0 26 0 29 2
TCMC3218 C26H54O Ceryl Alcohol,Hexacosanol 382.4174663 -7.3094 4.21 13.369 1 1 20.23 24 0 27 2
TCMC3244 C30H48O4 echinocystic acid 471.347435 0.8789 4.32 7.119 4 2 80.59 1 5 34 1
TCMC5883 C29H50O sitosterol 414.3861662 1.3 4.54 11.595 1 1 20.23 6 4 30 1

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