Component: Platycodon grandiflorum 白桔梗

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Platycodon grandiflorum
English Name
Balloonflower root
Chinese Pinyin Name
Bai Jie Geng
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
For desolving phlegm, stopping cougth, and soothing breathing
Therapeutic Class Chinese
relieve cought, soothe sore throat, and promote expectoration and discharge of pus
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx1995 Added Flavor BXHP Decoction 价位半夏厚朴汤
TCMF2286 Added Flavor Yin Qiao Powder 加味银翘散
TCMF2523 Agastache Qi Restoring Powder 霍香正气散
TCMF2576 Antipyretic and Antitoxic Bolus 清瘟解毒丸
TCMF1339 Antitoxic Bolus of Honeysuckle Flower and Forsythia; Lonicera Poison Relieving Pill 银翘解毒丸
TCMF1366 Baihe Gujin Pills 百合固金丸
TCMF2272 Baihe Gujin Pills 百合固金丸
TCMFx2590 Baokening Granules 宝咳宁颗粒
TCMFx1423 Baokening Granules 宝咳宁颗粒
TCMF2355 Biyan Tablets 鼻炎片
TCMF1376 Biyan Tablets 鼻炎片
TCMF2281 Blood Revitalizing and Ruo Opening Decoction 活血通络汤
TCMF2472 Bolus for Clearing Away Heat of the Upper Part of the Body 上清丸
TCMFx2587 Bolus of Arisaematis 天南星丸
TCMFx2667 Cattle Gallstone Pill to Clear the Heart 牛黄清心丸
TCMF1892 Cock-Crowing Powder 鸡鸣散
TCMF2323 Codonopsis Poria Atractylodes Powder 参苓白术散
TCMF1372 Codonopsis Poria Atractylodes Powder 参苓白术散
TCMF1315 Compound Tablet of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb 复方川贝精片
TCMF2032 Compound Tablet of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb 复方川贝精片
TCMF2340 Contusion Clearing Decoction 血府逐瘀汤
TCMF2416 Coptis Bolus for Clearing the Upper Heat; Coptis Upper Cooling Pill 黄连上清丸
TCMF1386 Coptis Upper Cooling Pills 黄连上清丸
TCMFx1787 Cough Infusion of Loquat Leaf 止咳枇杷冲剂
TCMFx1947 Cough Suppressing Powder 止嗽散
TCMFx1701 Cough Syrup of Loquat Leaf 止咳枇杷糖浆
TCMFx1311 Cow-bezoar Antitoxic Bolus 牛黄解毒丸
TCMFx2011 Cow-bezoar Antitoxic Bolus 牛黄解毒丸
TCMF2608 Cow-bezoar Bolus for Clearing away Heat of the Upper Part of the Body 牛黄上清丸
TCMF2073 Danger Relieving Decoction
TCMF2609 Decoction for Restoring Yin and Purging Fire
TCMF2324 Decoction of Bupleuri and Puerariae for Expelling Evil form Muscles 柴葛解饥汤
TCMF2478 Decoction of Codonopsis Pilosulae and Perillae 参苏饮
TCMF2431 Decoction of Coptidis for Detoxification 内疏黄连汤
TCMF2050 Decoction of Mori and Chrysanthemi 桑菊饮
TCMFx2117 Detoxicating Tablet of Rhinoceros Horn and Antelope's Horn 西羚解毒片
TCMF2528 Divine Ruler Heart Restoring Pills 天王补心丹
TCMFx2512 Empty Cave Tuberculosis Recipe
TCMF2329 Eyesight-Improving and Upper-Heat-Removing Bolus 明目上清丸
TCMF1427 Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills 防风通圣丸
TCMF2601 Fangfeng Tongsheng Pills 防风通圣丸
TCMF2585 Five Accumulation Powder 五积散
TCMF2741 Five-Accumulation Powder 五积散
TCMFx1794 Fritillariae Cirrhosae and Trichosanthis Powder 贝母瓜蒌散
TCMFx2367 Ganmao Qingre Granules 感冒清热颗粒
TCMFx1378 Ganmao Qingre Granules 感冒清热颗粒
TCMF2110 Ginseng Detoxic Powder 人参败毒散
TCMF2712 Ginseng, Poria, and Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder from the Analytic Collection 参苓白术散
TCMF2265 Heat and Toxics Remover 热毒清
TCMFx2396 Infusion for Treating Coryza of Wind-Cold Type 感冒清热冲剂
TCMFx1382 Infusion for Treating Coryza of Wind-Cold Type 感冒清热冲剂
TCMFx1975 Infusion of Grosvenor Momordica Fruit for Arresting Cough 罗汉果止咳冲剂
TCMFx2542 Jieji Ningsou Pills 解肌宁嗽丸
TCMFx1409 Jieji Ningsou Pills 解肌宁嗽丸
TCMFx1412 Juhong Pills 橘红丸
TCMFx2564 Juhong Pills; Tangerine Peel Bolus 橘红丸
TCMFx1953 Lan Di Cold Relieving Decoction
TCMF2203 Lilium Lung Preserving Decoction 百合固金汤
TCMFx1443 Lingyang Qingfei Pills 羚羊清肺丸
TCMFx2623 Lingyang Qingfei Pills 羚羊清肺丸
TCMFx1428 Liuhe Dingzhong Pills 六合定中丸
TCMFx2602 Liuhe Dingzhong Pills 六合定中丸
TCMF2153 Lonicera Poison Relieving Pills 银翘解毒丸
TCMF2244 Lonicera Powder 银翘散
TCMF2194 Lung Dispersing Interior Modulation Recipe
TCMFx2170 Lung Soothing Cough Decoction 宣肺止咳汤
TCMF1374 Lung Ventilating Regulating Pills 通宣理肺丸
TCMFx2012 Lung-heat-Clearing Syrup of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb 川贝清肺糖浆
TCMF2337 Lung-Ventilating-Regulating Bolus 通宣理肺丸
TCMFx2466 MHBZ Decoction 麻黄白术汤
TCMFx1567 Minor White Powder of Three Drugs 三物小白散
TCMF2447 MJ Pleasure Decoction
TCMFx2037 Modified Decoction of Polygonati Odorati 加减葳蕤汤
TCMFx2006 Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets 牛黄解毒片
TCMFx1310 Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets; Detoxicating Tablet of Cow-bezoar 牛黄解毒片
TCMFx1451 Niuhuang Qingxin Pills 牛黄清心丸
TCMFx2633 Niuhuang Qingxin Pills; Cow-bezoar Sedative Bolus 牛黄清心丸
TCMF1433 Niuhuang Shangqing Pills 牛黄上清丸
TCMF1882 Pinellia Syrup 半夏露
TCMF2134 Plus and Minus Interior Tonification Decoction 加减补中益气汤
TCMF2526 Poison Eliminating Cooling Decoction 清瘟败毒饮
TCMF2138 Powder Containing Nine Drugs; Nine Immortal Powder 九仙散
TCMF2409 Powder for Antiphlogosis, Antiphlogistic Powder, Poison Eliminating Powder, Powder to Release Toxins 败毒散
TCMF1385 Powder for Antiphlogosis, Antiphlogistic Powder, Poison Eliminating Powder, Powder to Release Toxins 败毒散
TCMF2538 Powder of Astragali seu Hedysari and Carapax Trionycis 黄芪鳖甲散
TCMF2583 Powder of Ginseng and Astragali seu Hedysari 人参黄芪散
TCMF1359 Powder of Linicerae and Forsythiae; Lonicera Powder 银翘散
TCMF2339 Prunus Perilla Powder 杏苏散
TCMF2373 QG Yin Qiao Powder 羌膏银翘汤
TCMF2108 Qi Protection Double Solution Decoction
TCMF2282 Qingfei Yihuo Pills 清肺抑火丸
TCMF1309 Qingguo Pills 青果丸
TCMF2004 Qingguo Pills 青果丸
TCMF2554 Qingwei Huanglian Pills 清胃黄连丸
TCMFx2176 Qingyan Pills 清咽丸
TCMFx2435 Radix Linderae Qi Soothing Powder 乌药顺气散
TCMFx2464 Rightness Supporting Milk-Promoting Decoction 扶正通乳汤
TCMF1380 Shensu Pills 参苏丸
TCMF2394 Shensu Pills 参苏丸
TCMFx1876 Soothing and Containing Decoction 宣降汤
TCMF2156 Stagnation and Phlegm Desolving Decoction 消积化痰汤
TCMF2211 Stagnation Desolving Decoction 会厌逐瘀汤
TCMFx1879 Tablet of Antelope's Horn for Common Cold 羚羊感冒片
TCMFx1283 Tablet of Antelope's Horn for Common Cold 羚羊感冒片
TCMF2387 Throat Clearing Decoction 清咽汤
TCMFx1778 Tianjin Cold-Treating Tablet 天津感冒片
TCMF2589 Tianwang Buxin Pills 天王补心丸
TCMF1422 Tianwang Buxin Pills 天王补心丸
TCMFx2187 TT Qi Supporting Decoction
TCMFx2440 Yin Cai Cold Relieving Powder
TCMFx2171 Yin Nourishing Lung Modulation Decoction 滋阴宣肺汤
TCMFx2076 Yin Tonification and Throat Benefiting Decoction 养阴利阳汤
TCMFx2592 Ying Treasure Fries

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation

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