Component: Radix ilicis asprellae 岗梅

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Radix ilicis asprellae
English Name
root of roughhaired holly
Chinese Pinyin Name
Gang Mei
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
Therapeutic Class Chinese
Increasing coronary flow and myocardial contractility in guinea-pigs in vitro
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx3191 Bai Mei Zhi Ke Infusion 百梅止咳冲剂
TCMFx3684 Cui Lian Jie Du Tablets 翠莲解毒片
TCMFx3189 Fu Fang Ai Di Cha Tablets 复方矮地茶片
TCMFx3499 Fu Fang Gan Mao Ling Granules 复方感冒灵颗粒
TCMFx3507 Fu Fang Gan Mao Ling Tablets 复方感冒灵片
TCMFx3119 Fu Fang Wu Zhi Gan Tablets 复方五指柑片
TCMF3485 Gan He Tea 甘和茶
TCMFx3776 Gan Mao Ling Capsules 感冒灵胶囊
TCMFx6860 Gan Mao Ling Granules 感冒灵颗粒
TCMFx3768 Gan Mao Ling Infusion 感冒灵冲剂
TCMFx3785 Gan Mao Qing Capsules 感冒清胶囊
TCMFx3793 Gan Mao Qing Tablets 感冒清片
TCMFx3872 Guang Dong Liang Cha Granules 广东凉茶颗粒
TCMFx3864 Guang Dong Liang Tea 广东凉茶
TCMFx4890 Jin Hou Powder 金喉散
TCMFx4961 Jin Ju Gan Mao Tablets 金菊感冒片
TCMFx4041 Jin Mei Gan Mao Tablets 金梅感冒片
TCMFx4547 Kuai Ying Tea 快应茶
TCMFx4475 Liu He Tea 六和茶
TCMFx4878 Luo Fu Shan Liang Cha Granules 罗浮山凉茶颗粒
TCMFx4368 Mei Weng Tui Re Granules 梅翁退热颗粒
TCMFx4376 Mei Weng Tui Re Tablets 梅翁退热片
TCMFx5577 Qing Re Liang Tea 清热凉茶
TCMF5622 Qing Re Qu Shi Infusion 清热祛湿冲剂
TCMFx5630 Qing Re Qu Shi Tea 清热去湿茶
TCMFx5387 Sha Xi Liang Cha Granules 沙溪凉茶颗粒
TCMFx5379 Sha Xi Liang Tea 沙溪凉茶
TCMFx5350 Shen Nong Cha Granules 神农茶颗粒
TCMF5785 Sheng Mao Wu Shi Tea 生茂午时茶
TCMFx5137 Shi Qi Wai Gan Cha Granules 石歧外感茶颗粒
TCMFx5129 Shi Qi Wai Gan Tea 石歧外感茶
TCMFx5718 Shuang Mei Hou Tablets 双梅喉片
TCMFx5235 Wai Gan Feng Sha Granules 外感风痧颗粒
TCMFx5242 Wai Gan Feng Sha Tablets 外感风痧片
TCMFx5250 Wai Gan Ping An Tea 外感平安茶
TCMFx6091 Yin Gou Qing Jie Tablets 银菊清解片
TCMFx6082 Yin Ju Gan Mao Tablets 银菊感冒片
TCMF6407 Yu Ye Jie Du Granules 玉叶解毒颗粒
TCMF6414 Yu Ye Jie Du Syrup 玉叶解毒糖浆
TCMFx6852 Zhi Gan Ling Infusion 治感灵冲剂
TCMFx328 Zhong Hua Die Da Pills 中华跌打丸
TCMFx6238 Zhong Hua Die Da Pills 中华跌打丸
TCMFx6231 Zhong Hua Die Da Wine 中华跌打酒
TCMF6302 Zhong Sheng Pills 众生丸
TCMF7154 Zhong Sheng Tablets 众生片

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID
TCMT186 MAOB Monoamine oxidase B Oxidoreductase P27338
TCMT208 MAOA Monoamine oxidase A Oxidoreductase P21397

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues

Ingredient ID: TCMC906
Formula: C9H6O2


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
TCMC906 C9H6O2 Chromone 146.04 -0.5778 2.23 2.318 1 0 26.3 0 2 11 0

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