Component: Magnetitum 磁石

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
English Name
Chinese Pinyin Name
Ci Shi
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
Spirit calming
Therapeutic Class Chinese
subdue hyperactivity of the liver, improve hearing and eyesight, calm the nerves, and alleviate dyspnea
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx3578 Ci Zhu Pills 磁朱丸
TCMFx1190 Dian Xian Ping Tablet 癫痫平片
TCMFx109 Dian Xian Ping Tablets 癲痫平片
TCMF3966 Er Long Tong Qiao Pills 耳聋通窍丸
TCMFx468 Er Long Zuo Ci Pills 耳聋左慈丸
TCMFx3981 Er Long Zuo Ci Pills 耳聋左慈丸
TCMFx2030 Erlong Zuoci Pills 耳聋左磁丸
TCMFx2626 Ershiwuwei Shanhu Pills 二十五味珊瑚丸
TCMFx1446 Ershiwuwei Shanhu Pills 二十五味珊瑚丸
TCMFx551 Geng Nian An Capsule 更年安胶囊
TCMFx3969 Geng Nian An Capsules 更年安胶囊
TCMFx56 Geng Nian An Pills 更年安丸
TCMFx478 Gua Shuang Tui Re Ling Capsule 瓜霜退热灵胶囊
TCMFx3654 Gua Shuang Tui Re Ling Capsules 瓜霜退热灵胶囊
TCMFx4412 Hei Hu Powder 黑虎散
TCMFx4578 Jiu Qiang Nao Li Qing 久强脑立清
TCMFx2575 Liver Soothing and Spirit Calming Decoction 疏肝安神汤
TCMFx4965 Lv Xue 绿雪
TCMFx4973 Lv Xue Capsules 绿雪胶囊
TCMFx2382 Madness Control Recipe
TCMFx1535 Magnetite and Cinnabar Pills 磁朱丸
TCMFx923 Nao Li Qing Capsule 脑立清胶囊
TCMFx4734 Nao Li Qing Capsules 脑立清胶囊
TCMFx4757 Nao Li Qing Pills 脑立清丸
TCMFx4740 Nao Li Qing Tablets 脑立清片
TCMF4947 Ning Xin An Shen Capsules 宁心安神胶囊
TCMFx339 Niu Huang Jing Nao Tablet 牛黄净脑片
TCMF5015 Niu Huang Jing Nao Tablets 牛黄净脑片
TCMF5022 Niu Huang Ning Gong Tablets 牛黄宁宫片
TCMFx2535 Purple Snowy Powder 紫雪丹
TCMF4999 Qiang Xin Pills 强心丸
TCMF5435 Qing Nao An Shen Pills 清脑安神丸
TCMFx90 Qing Nao Jiang Ya Capsule 清脑降压胶囊
TCMFx91 Qing Nao Jiang Ya Granules 清脑降压颗粒
TCMFx5450 Qing Nao Jiang Ya Tablets 清脑降压片
TCMFx89 Qing Nao Jiang Ya Tablets 清脑降压片
TCMFx2503 Qingnao Jiangya Tablets 清脑降压片
TCMF5108 Shi Hu Ming Mu Pills 石斛明目丸
TCMFx5605 Shu Feng Zai Zao Pills 疏风再造丸
TCMFx5598 Tiao Jing Bai Dai Pills 调经白带丸
TCMFx6776 Xiao Er Jian Pi Tie Ointment 小儿健脾贴膏
TCMFx6114 Xin Xue Granules 新雪颗粒
TCMFx1124 Xin Xue Granules 新雪颗粒
TCMFx6122 Xin Xue Tablets 新雪片
TCMFx6138 Xing Nao An Shen Capsules 醒脑安神胶囊
TCMF6845 Yang Xin An Shen Pills 养心安神丸
TCMFx120 Zi Xue Powder 紫雪散

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation

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5. Ingredient Data & Chemical Structure Information (Properties, InChI, InChIkey, SMILES, etc.)