Component: Lycopi Herba 泽兰

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Lycopi Herba
English Name
Shiny bugleweed
Chinese Pinyin Name
Ze Lan
TCM Properties
Bitter, pungent,slightly warm
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
Blood activation and stasis removal
Therapeutic Class Chinese
invigorate blood and remove stagnation, promote urination and reduce edema
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx3828 Bo Gu Decoction 驳骨水
TCMF147 Diao Jing Huo Xue Capsule 调经活血胶囊
TCMFx6868 Diao Jing Zhi Tong Capsules 调经止痛胶囊
TCMFx3341 Die Da Bang Yao Wine 跌打榜药酒
TCMFx3348 Die Da Feng Shi Wine 跌打风湿酒
TCMFx3395 Die Da Shang Ke Wine 跌打伤科酒
TCMFx3418 Die Da Wan Hua You 跌打万花油
TCMFx3426 Die Da Yao Wine 跌打药酒
TCMFx3924 Fu Ke Wan Ying Ointment 妇科万应膏
TCMF3502 Gan Lu Ointment 甘露膏
TCMF3287 Gong Yan Kang Granules 宫炎康颗粒
TCMFx4375 Granules Gan Infusion 可利肝冲剂
TCMFx3377 Gu Lou Shan Die Da Pills 古楼山跌打丸
TCMFx3369 Gu Lou Shan Die Da Wine 古楼山跌打酒
TCMF3888 Guang Dong Shen Qu 广东神曲
TCMFx1109 Hua Mo Yan Capsule 滑膜炎胶囊
TCMFx1110 Hua Mo Yan Granules 滑膜炎颗粒
TCMFx4873 Hua Mo Yan Granules 滑膜炎颗粒
TCMFx94 Hua Mo Yan Tablets 滑膜炎片
TCMFx4657 Ji Kun Pills 济坤丸
TCMF4702 Jia Wei Ba Zhen Yi Mu Ointment 加味八珍益母膏
TCMF4589 Jiang Zhuo Jian Mei Tea 降浊健美茶
TCMF4783 Lao Fan Zhi Wan Ying Shen Qu 老范志万应神曲
TCMFx621 Niao Sai Tong Tablet 尿塞通片
TCMFx846 Qian Lie Tong Tablet 前列通片
TCMF845 Qian Lie Xin Capsule 前列欣胶囊
TCMF5297 Quan Zhou Bai Cao Qu 泉州百草曲
TCMFx5669 Shang Ke Fu Yao 伤科敷药
TCMFx5694 Shang Ke Wan Hua You 伤科万花油
TCMFx5276 She Xiang Zhi Tong Tie Ointment 麝香止痛贴膏
TCMFx5416 Shu Jin Huo Xue Tablets 舒筋活血片
TCMF5994 Si Zhi Xiang Fu Pills 四制香附丸
TCMF443 Si Zhi Xiang Fu Pills 四制香附丸
TCMFx5535 Tian Qi Die Da Feng Shi Ruan Ointment 田七跌打风湿软膏
TCMFx5543 Tian Qi Die Da Pills 田七跌打丸
TCMF5628 Tiao Jing Huo Xue Tablets 调经活血片
TCMFx5666 Tiao Jing Zhi Tong Tablets 调经止痛片
TCMF967 Tiao Jing Huo Xue Tablet 调经活血片
TCMFx964 Tiao Jing Zhi Tong Tablet 调经止痛片
TCMFx957 Xiao Yu Kang Capsule 消瘀康胶囊
TCMFx64 Xiao Yu Kang Tablets 消瘀康片
TCMF6788 Yang Pi Powder 养脾散
TCMFx6039 Yang Xue Tiao Jing Ointment 养血调经膏
TCMF4 Yi Gan Yang Yin Huo Xue Granules 乙肝养阴活血颗粒
TCMFx6786 Yin Bai Gan Yan Infusion 茵白肝炎冲剂
TCMF6825 Yin Lian Qing Gan Recipe 茵莲清肝合剂
TCMFx6833 Zhang Zhou Shen Qu 漳州神曲
TCMFx6109 Zhi Shang Xiao Yu Pills 治伤消瘀丸

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues

Ingredient ID: TCMC6623
Formula: C32H63O2

Ingredient ID: TCMC5542
Formula: C6H12O6

Ingredient ID: TCMC5151
Formula: C19H24O6

Ingredient ID: TCMC5150
Formula: C18H22O5

Ingredient ID: TCMC4202
Formula: C14H18O3

Ingredient ID: TCMC3809
Formula: C24H42O21

Ingredient ID: TCMC3804
Formula: C18H32O16

Ingredient ID: TCMC2888
Formula: C6H12O6


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
TCMC2888 C6H12O6 Galactose 180.0633881 -2.5134 1.46 -1.697 6 5 110.38 1 1 12 0
TCMC3804 C18H32O16 Raffinose 504.1690349 -6.0574 1.68 -4.814 16 11 268.68 8 3 34 2
TCMC3809 C24H42O21 Stachyose 666.2218584 -7.8043 1.79 -6.351 21 14 347.83 11 4 45 3
TCMC4202 C14H18O3 Espeletone 234.1255944 0.0382 2.67 2.686 2 0 43.37 5 1 17 0
TCMC5150 C18H22O5 5-Acetyl-3Β-Angeloyloxy-2Β-(1-Hydroxyisopropyl)-2,3-Dihydrobenzofuran 318.1467238 0.8876 2.89 2.603 4 1 72.83 5 2 23 0
TCMC5151 C19H24O6 5-Acetyl-3Β-Angeloyloxy-2Β-(1-Hydroxyisopropyl)-6-Methoxy-2,3-Dihydrobenzofuran 348.1572885 0.8358 2.89 2.159 4 1 82.06 6 2 25 0
TCMC5542 C6H12O6 D-Glucose,Glucose 180.0633881 -2.7906 1.46 -3.325 6 5 118.22 5 0 12 0
TCMC6623 C32H63O2 Lacceric Acid 479.4828063 -9.1835 4.76 16.193 2 0 40.13 30 0 34 2

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