Component: Colla cornus cervi 鹿茸胶

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Colla cornus cervi
English Name
Gelatin of pilos deer horn
Chinese Pinyin Name
Lu Rong Jiao
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
For tonifying weakness
Therapeutic Class Chinese
promote virility, replenish vital essence and blood, and strengthen the tendons and bones, regulate the meridians related the uterus and conception, and promote the bursting of abscess and drainage of pus
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx1894 Banlong Pill 斑龙丸
TCMF2062 Bolus as Kidney-Yin-Tonic; Kidney-yin-Tonifying Bolus 左归丸
TCMF1880 Brain-Invigorating Tablet 脑灵素片
TCMF2216 Semifluid Extract of Deer Foetus 鹿胎膏
TCMFx1523 Semifluid Extract of Ginseng and Antler Glue 二仙膏
TCMF2610 White Phoenix Bolus of Black-bone Chicken 乌鸡白凤丸
TCMF1930 Yang Warming Decoction 阳和汤

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID
TCMT11 HIF1A Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha Transcription factor Q16665
TCMT156 CYP19A1 Cytochrome P450 19A1 Oxidoreductase P11511
TCMT162 UGT1A1 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1-1 Transferase P22309
TCMT236 ESR2 Estrogen receptor beta Nuclear receptor Q92731
TCMT33 CYP3A4 Cytochrome P450 3A4 Oxidoreductase P08684
TCMT6 NFKB1 Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit Transcription factor P19838
TCMT65 HSD17B1 Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 1 Oxidoreductase P14061
TCMT82 ESR1 Estrogen receptor alpha Nuclear receptor P03372
TCMT99 SHBG Testis-specific androgen-binding protein Unclassified P04278

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name
TCMT1438 Plasmodium falciparum

Ingredient Structrues

Ingredient ID: TCMC1136
Formula: C18H22O2


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
TCMC1136 C18H22O2 Estrone 270.16 0.0998 3.22 4.039 1 1 37.3 2 4 20 0

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3. Putative Targets  
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5. Ingredient Data & Chemical Structure Information (Properties, InChI, InChIkey, SMILES, etc.)