Natural Product Target: Serotonin 2b (5-HT2b) receptor
Target ID:   | NPT291 |
Target Name:   | Serotonin 2b (5-HT2b) receptor |
Target Type:   | Individual Protein |
Organism of Target:   | Homo sapiens |
Target External ID:   | Uniprot_ID:[ P41595] |
  Biological Activities of Natural Products against the Target
Natural Product ID | Natural Product Name | # Activity Records |
NPC220765 | Serotonin | 15 |
NPC39753 | 5-Hydroxy-2-(2-Phenylethyl)Chromen-4-One | 7 |
NPC318591 | Propranolol | 4 |
NPC149571 | Raloxifene | 3 |
NPC321617 | Quetiapine | 3 |
NPC296482 | Berberine Chloride | 2 |
NPC197335 | Usabamycin B | 2 |
NPC314659 | Usabamycin A | 2 |
NPC314941 | Aclarubicin | 2 |
NPC45459 | Oxitriptan | 2 |
NPC116961 | Loratadine | 2 |
NPC316104 | Usabamycin C | 2 |
NPC316797 | Diphenhydramine | 2 |
NPC129909 | Camptothecin | 2 |
NPC316906 | Loperamide | 2 |
NPC49196 | Yohimbine | 2 |
NPC133162 | Nortriptyline | 2 |
NPC317177 | Tretinoin | 2 |
NPC320656 | Sertraline | 2 |
NPC155444 | Ergocryptine | 2 |
NPC68354 | Ergonovine | 2 |
NPC190501 | Estrone | 2 |
NPC191382 | Ergotamine | 2 |
NPC329416 | Isotretinoin | 2 |
NPC231163 | (-)-Propanolol | 2 |
NPC42793 | Verapamil | 2 |
NPC106937 | Psilocybine | 1 |
NPC242209 | Meridianin A | 1 |
NPC112823 | Aerugine | 1 |
NPC265710 | Methylaplysinopsin | 1 |
NPC128237 | Watasemycins A | 1 |
NPC476465 | Tegaserod | 1 |
NPC240088 | 2'-De-N-Methylaplysinopsin | 1 |
NPC136508 | N-Methyllaurotetanine | 1 |
NPC473380 | Aplysinopsin | 1 |
NPC137264 | 5-Hydroxy-2-[2-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)Ethyl]Chromone | 1 |
NPC474180 | 6-Bromoaplysinopsin | 1 |
NPC324702 | Pulicatins G | 1 |
NPC73767 | N,N-Dimethyltryptamine | 1 |
NPC83790 | Watasemycins B | 1 |
NPC49217 | Isoplysin A | 1 |
NPC86966 | Pulicatin A | 1 |
NPC238242 | Pulicatin D | 1 |
NPC92111 | 5-Meo-Dmt | 1 |
NPC249662 | Pulicatins F | 1 |
NPC188821 | 6-Bromo-2'-De-N-Methylaplysinopsin | 1 |
NPC105513 | Mescaline | 1 |
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