Component: Cercis chinensis bunge 紫荆皮

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Cercis chinensis bunge
English Name
Chinese Pinyin Name
Zi Jing Pi
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
Therapeutic Class Chinese
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx3140 Ca Xuan Yao Decoction 擦癣药水
TCMFx3266 Chong He Powder 冲和散
TCMF4284 Jin Gu Ning Cha Ji 筋骨宁搽剂
TCMFx1043 Jin Tong Xiao Tincture 筋痛消酊
TCMFx4511 Pi Fu Bing Xue Du Pills 皮肤病血毒丸
TCMFx5139 Qu Feng Shi Ointment 祛风湿膏
TCMFx5144 Sun Shang Gu Yao Ointment 损伤骨药膏
TCMFx6291 Xiao Er Qing Re Ling 小儿清热灵

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation

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1. General Information of the Component  
2. TCM Prescriptions with the Component  
3. Putative Targets  
4. Activity & References for Filtering Putative Targets  
5. Ingredient Data & Chemical Structure Information (Properties, InChI, InChIkey, SMILES, etc.)