Natural Product Target: Clavispora lusitaniae

Target ID:   NPT820
Target Name:   Clavispora lusitaniae
Target Type:   Organism
Organism of Target:   Clavispora lusitaniae
Target External ID:  

  Biological Activities of Natural Products against the Target

Natural Product ID Natural Product Name # Activity Records
NPC67917 Amphotericin B 31
NPC75844 Fluorouracil 6
NPC471614 Ketoconazole 4
NPC327106 [(7S)-3-[(1E,3E,5E)-Hepta-1,3,5-Trienyl]-7-Methyl-6,8-Dioxo-1Ah-Oxireno[2,3-J]Isochromen-7-Yl] (3S)-3-Hydroxybutanoate 2
NPC328494 n.a. 2
NPC32552 [(7S)-3-[(1E,3E,5E)-Hepta-1,3,5-Trienyl]-7-Methyl-6,8-Dioxoisochromen-7-Yl] (3S)-3-Hydroxybutanoate 2
NPC316250 Mediomycin B 1
NPC126029 (-)-Epicatechin 1
NPC155232 6-(4-Methylpent-3-Enyl)Naphthalene-1,4-Dione 1
NPC160512 Epicatechin Gallate 1
NPC476194 Virgineone 1
NPC180508 Pterostilbene 1
NPC477997 n.a. 1
NPC219876 Cianidanol 1
NPC477728 Phaeofungin 1
NPC220825 Epigallocatechin 1
NPC477730 n.a. 1
NPC250436 Epigalocatechin Gallate 1
NPC476875 n.a. 1
NPC280606 3-[(E)-2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)Ethenyl]-5-Methoxyphenol 1
NPC476876 n.a. 1
NPC476877 n.a. 1
NPC296482 Berberine Chloride 1
NPC476566 Anibamine 1
NPC296920 Resveratrol 4'-Methyl Ether 1
NPC477729 Phomafungin 1
NPC35109 n.a. 1
NPC314293 Clethramycin 1
NPC314361 56-Amino-15,17,33,35,37,41,43,45,47,51,53-Undecahydroxy-N-(2-Hydroxy-5-Oxocyclopent-1-Enyl)-14,16,30-Trimethyl-31-Oxo-29-((2R,3R,4R,5R,6S)-3,4,5-Trihydroxy-6-Methyltetrahydro-2H-Pyran-2-Yloxy)Hexapentaconta-2,4,6,8,12,18,20,22,24,26,38,48-Dodecaenamide 1
NPC4669 Berberrubine 1
NPC315531 Mediomycin A 1

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