Natural Product Target: CHO

Target ID:   NPT1161
Target Name:   CHO
Target Type:   Cell Line
Organism of Target:   Cricetulus griseus
Target External ID:  

  Biological Activities of Natural Products against the Target

Natural Product ID Natural Product Name # Activity Records
NPC187022 Emetine 25
NPC261012 Doxorubicin 11
NPC129909 Camptothecin 10
NPC34770 Skimmianine 8
NPC269367 Dictamnine 6
NPC250436 Epigalocatechin Gallate 6
NPC226941 Colchicine 4
NPC33320 Methoxsalen 4
NPC208553 Paclitaxel 3
NPC189314 Mercaptopurine 3
NPC185498 Etoposide 3
NPC84478 Harmaline 3
NPC176127 n.a. 3
NPC176538 6-Methoxy Harman 3
NPC63545 Norharmane 3
NPC164574 Phaseollidin 2
NPC150259 Brasilidine A 2
NPC82920 (+)-Usnic Acid 2
NPC476464 Chloroquine 2
NPC293487 Canthin-6-One 2
NPC95589 Spermine 2
NPC195788 Vinblastine 2
NPC295788 Spongian-16-Oxo-17-Al 2
NPC12649 5-Methoxycanthinone 2
NPC309330 Putrescine 2
NPC124085 Erythrabyssin I 2
NPC128244 Ascididemin 2
NPC193536 Spermidine 2
NPC201889 Retrorsine 2
NPC67917 Amphotericin B 1
NPC326791 N'-[3-(Azacyclopentadec-1-Yl)Propyl]Propane-1,3-Diamine 1
NPC130193 (1E,4Z,6E)-5-Hydroxy-1,7-Bis(4-Hydroxyphenyl)Hepta-1,4,6-Trien-3-One 1
NPC146824 Alatusinine 1
NPC264317 Betulinic Acid 1
NPC70136 3',4',7-Trihydroxyflavon 1
NPC328374 Simalikalactone D 1
NPC141782 Totarol 1
NPC210597 Echinoisoflavanone 1
NPC31171 Cytochalasin B 1
NPC75844 Fluorouracil 1
NPC42793 Verapamil 1
NPC160900 (1E,6E)-1,7-Bis(4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxyphenyl)Hepta-1,6-Diene-3,5-Dione 1
NPC48342 Estradiol 1
NPC22130 Diphyllin 1
NPC76565 Euonymine 1
NPC250807 Euonine 1
NPC225710 Gallic Acid 1
NPC279877 9-Hydroxy-15,16-Epoxy-7,11,13(16)14-Labdatetraen-6-One 1
NPC77955 3',4'-Dimethoxyflavone 1
NPC168758 Spartioidine 1
NPC476110 Mayteine 1
NPC290193 Yunnacoronarin A 1
NPC475644 Ebenifoline E I 1
NPC19174 Isoliquiritigenin 1
NPC475498 n.a. 1
NPC230811 14-Deoxycoleon U 1
NPC290955 Yunnacoronarin D 1
NPC475406 n.a. 1
NPC170204 Gentiopicroside 1
NPC235797 Acrolein 1
NPC87466 Hedychenone 1
NPC473689 Wilfordine 1
NPC475648 n.a. 1
NPC237936 Imidazole 1
NPC209760 Sophonorol F 1
NPC476169 Sophoronol 1
NPC248068 6-Alpha-Hydroxydemethyl-Cryptojaponol 1
NPC295347 7-Hydroxy,6-Oxo-7,11,13-Labdatrien-16,15-Olide 1
NPC109083 Curcumin 1
NPC100134 Sophonorol E 1
NPC181510 Seneciphylline 1
NPC476118 Sunitinib 1
NPC295412 Lindane 1
NPC111845 Demethylcryptojaponol 1
NPC51000 Thioguanine 1
NPC250999 Zinc;1-Oxidopyridine-2-Thione 1
NPC201069 11-Hydroxy-12-Methoxyabietatriene 1
NPC187432 Galangin 1
NPC329708 Quinine 1
NPC251680 Fusidic Acid 1
NPC78575 Brussonol 1
NPC189844 Demethoxycurcumin 1
NPC474734 n.a. 1
NPC253482 Alatamine 1
NPC309367 Thiram 1
NPC127447 Techtochrysin 1
NPC41301 Sophonorol D 1
NPC193471 Senecionine 1
NPC473798 n.a. 1
NPC260909 Vincristine 1
NPC315520 Maggiemycin 1
NPC318591 Propranolol 1
NPC130124 Integerrimine 1
NPC33507 n.a. 1
NPC66029 Anhydromaggiemycin 1
NPC30911 Monocrotaline 1

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4. Species Source: species sources that all natural products that have available activity against this target derived from.

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