Natural Product Target: Hepatocyte

Target ID:   NPT1135
Target Name:   Hepatocyte
Target Type:   Cell Line
Organism of Target:   Rattus norvegicus
Target External ID:  

  Biological Activities of Natural Products against the Target

Natural Product ID Natural Product Name # Activity Records
NPC284948 Cynarin 14
NPC125039 Silibinin 11
NPC219876 Cianidanol 8
NPC294902 Caffeic Acid 8
NPC57788 Quinic Acid 8
NPC302857 Chlorogenic Acid 8
NPC189142 Galuteolin 8
NPC130730 Picroside Ii 6
NPC233455 Enoxolone 6
NPC135648 Hinesol 6
NPC264779 Beta-Eudesmol 6
NPC152451 Methionine 6
NPC175333 Picroside I 6
NPC178382 Atractylon 6
NPC80230 Desoxypodophyllotoxin 6
NPC202666 Glycyrrhizin 6
NPC36491 Simvastatin 5
NPC216459 Canadine 4
NPC473950 1-O-Glucopyranosyl-(2S,3R,4E,8Z)-2-N-(2'-Hydroxypalmitoyl)Octadecaspthinga-4,8-Dienine 4
NPC315957 Primaquine 4
NPC311668 (2R,3R,4R)-2-(Hydroxymethyl)Pyrrolidine-3,4-Diol 3
NPC209111 Furfuryl Alcohol 3
NPC111567 1-O-Beta-Dglucopyranosyl-(2S,3R,4E,8Z)-2-[(2'r)-Hydroxyicosanoyl-Amino]-4,8-Octadecadiene-1,3-Diol 2
NPC102008 Atorvastatin 2
NPC473604 1-O-Beta-D-Glucopyranosyl-(2S,3R,4E,8Z)-2-[(2-Hydroxyoctadecanoyl)Amido]-4,8-Octadecadiene-1,3-Diol 2
NPC473581 1-O-Beta-D-Glucopyranosyl-(2S,3R,4E,8E)-2-[(2-Hydroxyoctadecanoyl)Amido]-4,8-Octadecadiene-1,3-Diol 2
NPC476464 Chloroquine 2
NPC242503 1-O-Glucopyranosyl-(2S,3R,4E,8Z)-2-N-Palmitoyloctadecaspthinga-4,8-Dienine 2
NPC54996 Atractylenolide I 2
NPC189206 Atractylenolide Ii 2
NPC475125 1-O-Beta-D-Glucopyranosyl-(2S,3R,4E,8E)-2-[(2-Hydroxyicosanoyl)Amido]-4,8-Octadecadiene-1,3-Diol 2
NPC10636 Atractylenolide Iii 2
NPC119838 Cantharidin 1
NPC22115 Antioquine 1
NPC230775 Metformin 1
NPC48342 Estradiol 1
NPC296482 Berberine Chloride 1
NPC187770 Ascorbate 1
NPC188962 Sauchinone 1
NPC306462 Duvoglustat 1
NPC189470 Anonaine 1
NPC202249 n.a. 1
NPC42871 Sauchinone A 1

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4. Species Source: species sources that all natural products that have available activity against this target derived from.

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