TCM Prescription: Qing Teng Feng Shi Wine

Prescription Description
Prescription IDTCMFx5112
Pinyin NameQing Teng Feng Shi Jiu
Chinese Name青藤风湿酒
English NameQing Teng Feng Shi Wine
Function Description痹病
IndicationsArthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis
Disease ICD-11 Category FA2Z [Inflammatory arthropathies, unspecified, 炎性关节病,未特指的 ];
FA20 [Rheumatoid arthritis, 类风湿性关节炎 ];
Human Tissues Associated with IndicationSkeletalMuscle, Blood
Reference Book/link
Prescription Components
Component ID Latin Name Chinese Name Component Quantity Barcode
TCMH1785 Illigera rhodantha 三叶青藤 TCMH1785
TCMH1157 NA 九层风 TCMH1157
TCMH884 NA 红鱼眼 TCMH884
TCMH353 Blumea balsamifera 大风艾 TCMH353 ITSAG1573-14
TCMH861 Ichnocarpus oliganthus 红杜仲 TCMH861
TCMH1278 Radix zanthoxyli 两面针 TCMH1278
Reference: CFDA

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredients of Prescription

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID
TCMT133 CA1 Carbonic anhydrase I Lyase P00915
TCMT134 CA2 Carbonic anhydrase II Lyase P00918
TCMT135 CA14 Carbonic anhydrase XIV Lyase Q9ULX7
TCMT136 CA12 Carbonic anhydrase XII Lyase O43570
TCMT138 CA7 Carbonic anhydrase VII Lyase P43166

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredients of Prescription

Target ID Target Name
TCMT1170 Enterobacter cloacae
TCMT1218 Staphylococcus aureus
TCMT1229 Enterococcus faecalis
TCMT1232 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
TCMT1246 Escherichia coli
TCMT1454 Bacillus subtilis
TCMT1464 Hepatitis B virus

Gene Ontology Associated to Targeted Human Proteins

GO Term GO Name Enriched Genes Log10 Adjusted P-value

KEGG Pathways Associated to Targeted Human Proteins

KEGG Pathway ID Enriched Genes Log10 Adjusted P-value

Target Exprsssion in Healthy Human Tissues (protein & mRNA level)

Protein expression data was from the "Human Proteome Map" dataset
mRNA expression data was from the "GTEx" dataset

Average Target Expression (Fold Change) in Multiple Disease Conditions

Fold Change with Corresponding Normal Samples
Click each cell within the heatmap to access gene expression of individual patient samples
Data Section
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2. Putative Targets  
3. Activity & References for Filtering Putative Targets  
4. GO & Pathway