Matched TCM-ID Records

TCM Prescription

Prescription ID Name-PinYin Name-Chinese Name-English Reference
TCMF1662 Ma Huang Tang 麻黄汤 Decoction of Ephedrae; Ephedra Decoction Chinese Classical Prescriptions
TCMFx1745 Zhen Wu Tang 真武汤 Zhenwu Decoction Chinese Classical Prescriptions
TCMF2654 Tao He Cheng Qi Tang 桃核承气汤 Peach Pit Decoction to Order the Qi Current Kampo Medicine
TCMF2675 Ma Huang Tang 麻黄汤 Ephedra Decoction Current Kampo Medicine
TCMFx2706 Zhen Wu Tang 真武汤 True Warrrior Decoction Current Kampo Medicine
TCMF2790 Tao He Cheng Qi Tang 桃核承气汤 Tao He Cheng Qi Decoction SATCM
TCMF2793 Ma Huang Tang 麻黄汤 Ma Huang Decoction SATCM
TCMFx2797 Zhen Wu Tang 真武汤 Zhen Wu Decoction SATCM