Component: Calamina 炉甘石

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
English Name
Chinese Pinyin Name
Lu Gan Shi
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
For eliminating toxic materials, dissolving rottenness and growing new muscles
Therapeutic Class Chinese
counteract toxicity, clear the eye of corneal opacity, arrest discharges, and relieve itching
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx2957 Ba Bao Bo Yun Powder 八宝拨云散
TCMFx2950 Ba Bao Powder 八宝散
TCMFx2966 Ba Bao Yan Yao 八宝眼药
TCMFx3020 Bai Jing Yu Yan Yao 白敬宇眼药
TCMFx3796 Bo Yun Ding 拨云锭
TCMFx3804 Bo Yun Fu Guang Powder 拨云复光散
TCMFx2989 Bo Yun San Yan Yao 拔云散眼药
TCMFx3812 Bo Yun Yan Ointment 拨云眼膏
TCMFx3529 Chuang Zhuo Ointment 创灼膏
TCMFx2596 Crab Bone-Joining Powder 螃蟹接骨散
TCMFx3838 Er Mao Guan Yan Yao 鹅毛管眼药
TCMFx1446 Ershiwuwei Shanhu Pills 二十五味珊瑚丸
TCMFx2626 Ershiwuwei Shanhu Pills 二十五味珊瑚丸
TCMFx3300 Feng Huo Yan Yao 风火眼药
TCMFx4465 Hong Mian Powder 红棉散
TCMFx4936 Jian Er Gan Ji Powder 健儿疳积散
TCMFx4062 Jin Niu Yan Yao 金牛眼药
TCMFx4078 Ma Ying Long Ba Bao Yan Ointment 马应龙八宝眼膏
TCMFx297 Ma Ying Long Ba Bao Yan Ointment 马应龙八宝眼膏
TCMFx4084 Ma Ying Long She Xiang Zhi Chuang Ointment 马应龙麝香痔疮膏
TCMFx4488 Ming Mu Bo Yun Powder 明目拨云散
TCMFx5412 Qing Liang Yan Yao Ointment 清凉眼药膏
TCMFx5887 Qing Yan Jie Du Powder 清咽解毒散
TCMFx5832 Sai Kong Qing Yan Yao 赛空青眼药
TCMFx5033 She Quan Hua Du Powder 蛇犬化毒散
TCMFx5283 She Xiang Zhi Chuang Shuan 麝香痔疮栓
TCMF7107 She Zhu Ming Mu Eye Drops 麝珠明目滴眼液
TCMFx5687 Sheng Ji Ba Bao Powder 生肌八宝散
TCMFx5885 Shi Zhen Powder 湿疹散
TCMFx5337 Te Ling Yan Yao 特灵眼药
TCMFx5356 Ti Du Powder 提毒散
TCMFx5933 Xiang Pi Sheng Ji Ointment 橡皮生肌膏
TCMFx6284 Xiong Dan Zhi Chuang Ointment 熊胆痔疮膏
TCMFx1137 Xiong Dan Zhi Ling Ointment 熊胆痔灵膏
TCMFx6293 Xiong Dan Zhi Ling Ointment 熊胆痔灵膏
TCMFx6300 Xiong Dan Zhi Ling Shuan 熊胆痔灵栓
TCMFx1136 Xiong Dan Zhi Ling Suppository 熊胆痔灵栓
TCMFx1130 Zhang Yi Powder 障翳散
TCMFx6048 Zhang Yi Powder 障翳散
TCMFx6136 Zhen Zhu Ba Bao Yan Yao 珍珠八宝眼药
TCMFx6379 Zhu Huang Ba Bao Powder 珠黄八宝散
TCMFx6814 Zi Jin Ding Yan Yao 紫金锭眼药

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation

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5. Ingredient Data & Chemical Structure Information (Properties, InChI, InChIkey, SMILES, etc.)