Natural Product Target: DNA polymerase beta

Target ID:   NPT2216
Target Name:   DNA polymerase beta
Target Type:   Individual Protein
Organism of Target:   Rattus norvegicus
Target External ID:   Uniprot_ID:[ P06766]

  Biological Activities of Natural Products against the Target

Natural Product ID Natural Product Name # Activity Records
NPC142415 Oleanolic_Acid 4
NPC264317 Betulinic Acid 4
NPC293564 3Beta-Hydroxyrus-12,19(29)-Dien-28-Oic Acid 4
NPC51700 Ursolic Acid 4
NPC474686 3Beta-Hydroxyrus-18,20(30)-Dien-28-Oic Acid 4
NPC190849 3-Cis-P-Coumaroyl Maslinic Acid 4
NPC171007 3-Trans-P-Coumaroyl Maslinic Acid 4
NPC121568 (+)-Myristinin D 3
NPC178484 (+)-Myristinin A 3
NPC39664 5-[(Z)-14-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)Tetradec-10-Enyl]Benzene-1,3-Diol 3
NPC109691 5-[(Z)-14-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)Tetradec-7-Enyl]Benzene-1,3-Diol 3
NPC277341 Formosusin A 3
NPC246056 Bisnorstriatol 3
NPC171203 Katonic Acid 1
NPC281558 Edgeworin 1
NPC263272 3-Oxoolean-12-En-29-Oic Acid 1
NPC185127 Edgeworthin 1
NPC170189 Pinophilin A 1
NPC71460 (3S,5S,10S,13R,17R)-17-((R)-1,5-Dimethyl-Hexyl)-10,13-Dimethyl-Hexadecahydro-Cyclopenta[A]Phenanthren-3-Ol 1
NPC473395 Talaroflavone 1
NPC184284 [(7S,8S,8As)-7-Hydroxy-7-Methyl-6-Oxo-3-[(E)-Prop-1-Enyl]-8,8A-Dihydro-1H-Isochromen-8-Yl] 2,4-Dihydroxy-6-Methylbenzoate 1
NPC107919 Aphidicolin 1
NPC470831 Mellein 1
NPC470844 3-5-Dimethyl-8-Methoxy-3,4-Dihydroisocoumarin 1
NPC126029 (-)-Epicatechin 1
NPC470837 Nodulisporol 1
NPC223457 5-Hydroxy-3-Hydroxymethyl-2-Methyl-7-Methoxychromone 1
NPC470842 5-Formyl-8-Hydroxy-3-Methyl-3,4-Dihydroisocoumarin 1
NPC231149 Daphnoretin 1
NPC473271 3-Methyl-8-Methoxy-3,4-Dihydroisocoumarin 1
NPC28657 Cholesterol 1
NPC96272 Formosusin B 1
NPC226982 Pecilocin 1
NPC471768 Formosusin C 1
NPC69043 Pinophilin B 1
NPC474964 3-Oximo-Olean-12-En-29-Oic Acid 1
NPC473938 3-Benzyloximo-Olean-12-En-29-Oic Acid 1
NPC476064 3-Methyloximo-Olean-12-En-29-Oic Acid 1
NPC260385 Koetjapic Acid 1
NPC470841 Nodulisporone 1

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