Organism ID:   | NPO41683 |
Organism Name:   | Escherichia coli G05 [pntAB ptsG galP glk] |
Native / Engineered Organism:   | Engineered Organism |
Matched Taxonomy Level:   | Strain |
Organism External ID:   | NCBI_Taxonomy_ID[ n.a.] |
Organism Synonyms:   | |
Genus:   | Escherichia |
Family:   | Enterobacteriaceae |
Kingdom:   | n.a. |
SuperKingdom:   | Bacteria |
Natural Product ID | Prefer Name (or InChiKey) | IUPAC Name | Number of Targets | Number of Activity Records |
NPC490840 | indolpolyketone b (2s, 4s) | n.a. | 0 | 0 |
Organism Name | Producer Organism | Inducer Organism | NP ID | NP Name | Effect of Co-culture | Reference |
Organism Name | Parent Organism Name | Engineered Gene in Organism | Purpose of Engineering | Engineering Category | Engineering Description | NP ID | NP Name | NP Yeild of Parent Organism | NP Yeild of Engineered Organism | Yeild Change | Reference |
Escherichia coli G05 | Escherichia coli YJM25 | pntAB ptsG galP glk | Increase NP yield | Metabolic engineering > Cofactor engineering-guided metabolic optimization | both metabolic engineering through the introduction of dual pathway genes and deletion of competing pathway genes and coenzyme engineering through the overexpression of transhydrogenase PntAB were implemented in engineered E. coli strains. We also modified phosphotransferase system (PTS) by deleting the ptsG gene and modulating galP and glk genes expression to improve the co-utilization of glucose and glycerol. | NPC490840 | Indolpolyketone B (2S, 4S) | n.a. | 665.2 mg/L | titer: 5.5-fold, yield: 2.1-fold |
PMID[30719552] |
Organism ID | NP ID | Organism Material Preparation | Organism Part | NP Quantity (Standard) | NP Quantity (Minimum) | NP Quantity (Maximum) | Quantity Unit | Reference |