Organism ID:   | NPO41593 |
Organism Name:   | Bacillus licheniformis WX/pPvgb-YwbN-Vgb [YwbN Pvgb] |
Native / Engineered Organism:   | Engineered Organism |
Matched Taxonomy Level:   | Strain |
Organism External ID:   | NCBI_Taxonomy_ID[ n.a.] |
Organism Synonyms:   | |
Genus:   | Bacillus |
Family:   | Bacillaceae |
Kingdom:   | n.a. |
SuperKingdom:   | Bacteria |
Natural Product ID | Prefer Name (or InChiKey) | IUPAC Name | Number of Targets | Number of Activity Records |
Organism Name | Producer Organism | Inducer Organism | NP ID | NP Name | Effect of Co-culture | Reference |
Organism Name | Parent Organism Name | Engineered Gene in Organism | Purpose of Engineering | Engineering Category | Engineering Description | NP ID | NP Name | NP Yeild of Parent Organism | NP Yeild of Engineered Organism | Yeild Change | Reference |
Bacillus licheniformis WX/pPvgb-YwbN-Vgb | Bacillus licheniformis WX-02 | YwbN Pvgb | Increase NP yield | n.a. | introducing twin-arginine translocation (Tat) signal peptides (SPYwbN with the best performance) into VHB expression cassette; four promoters were screened, and Pvgb was proven as the more suitable promoter for VHB expression and γ-PGA synthesis | NPC490740 | bacillothiazol 3 | 31.01g/L | 46.39 g/L | 49.26% increase |
PMID[35155838] |
Organism ID | NP ID | Organism Material Preparation | Organism Part | NP Quantity (Standard) | NP Quantity (Minimum) | NP Quantity (Maximum) | Quantity Unit | Reference |