Organism ID:   | NPO41547 |
Organism Name:   | Streptomyces sp. PTY087I2 + Selected human pathogens |
Native / Engineered Organism:   | Co-cultured Organisms |
Matched Taxonomy Level:   | Strain |
Organism External ID:   | NCBI_Taxonomy_ID[ n.a.] |
Organism Synonyms:   | |
Genus:   | n.a. |
Family:   | n.a. |
Kingdom:   | n.a. |
SuperKingdom:   | n.a. |
Organism Name | Producer Organism | Inducer Organism | NP ID | NP Name | Effect of Co-culture | Reference |
Streptomyces sp. PTY087I2 + Selected human pathogens | Streptomyces sp. PTY087I2 | Selected human pathogens | NPC490569 | dihydrogranaticin B | Yield-increased in coculture | PMID: 28800088 |
Streptomyces sp. PTY087I2 + Selected human pathogens | Streptomyces sp. PTY087I2 | Selected human pathogens | NPC490832 | Granaticin | Yield-increased in coculture | PMID: 28800088 |
Streptomyces sp. PTY087I2 + Selected human pathogens | Streptomyces sp. PTY087I2 | Selected human pathogens | NPC490526 | granatomycin D | Yield-increased in coculture | PMID: 28800088 |
Organism Name | Parent Organism Name | Engineered Gene in Organism | Purpose of Engineering | Engineering Category | Engineering Description | NP ID | NP Name | NP Yeild of Parent Organism | NP Yeild of Engineered Organism | Yeild Change | Reference |
Organism ID | NP ID | Organism Material Preparation | Organism Part | NP Quantity (Standard) | NP Quantity (Minimum) | NP Quantity (Maximum) | Quantity Unit | Reference |