Natural Product Target: Plutella xylostella

Target ID:   NPT849
Target Name:   Plutella xylostella
Target Type:   Organism
Organism of Target:   Plutella xylostella
Target External ID:  

  Biological Activities of Natural Products against the Target

Natural Product ID Natural Product Name # Activity Records
NPC475462 Azadirachtin A 34
NPC226511 (Z)-Hex-3-En-1-Yl Acetate 19
NPC75204 (E)-Hex-2-Enal 16
NPC79544 1-Hexen-3-Ol 16
NPC197356 Cis-3-Hexenol 16
NPC59581 Hexanal 16
NPC275462 1-Hexanol 16
NPC40965 Hexyl Acetate 16
NPC5153 n.a. 4
NPC219058 Azadirachtin O 4
NPC475376 Azadirachtol 4
NPC48414 Azadirachtin L 4
NPC48813 Azadirachtin M 4
NPC256618 Azadirachtin Q 4
NPC42206 Azadirachtin P 4
NPC194854 Azadirachtin B 4
NPC469529 Penicinotam 1
NPC202812 Penicinoline 1
NPC82295 Indole 1
NPC88868 1'-Acetoxychavicol Acetate 1
NPC178681 Oxindole 1
NPC216090 Stemaphylline 1
NPC242159 Cyclo-L-Pro-L-Tyr 1
NPC245561 Hydroxyphenyl Propionic Acid 1
NPC311343 Butenone 1

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3. Compound Information: compound related data of all natural products that have available activity against this target;
4. Species Source: species sources that all natural products that have available activity against this target derived from.

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