0 All known Ingredients in Total
Unique ingredients have been isolated from this plant.
Plant-Ingredients Associations were manually curated from publications or collected from other databases.
0 Ingredients with Acceptable Bioavailablity
Unique ingredients exhibit acceptable human oral bioavailablity, according to the criteria of SwissADME [PMID:
28256516] and HobPre [PMID:
34991690]. The criteria details:
SwissADME: six descriptors are used by SwissADME to evaluate the oral bioavailability of a natural product:
☑ LIPO(Lipophility): -0.7 < XLOGP3 < +5.0
☑ SIZE: 150g/mol < MW < 500g/mol
☑ POLAR(Polarity): 20Ų < TPSA < 130Ų
☑ INSOLU(Insolubility): -6 < Log S (ESOL) < 0
☑ INSATU(Insaturation): 0.25 < Fraction Csp3 < 1
☑ FLEX(Flexibility): 0 < Num. rotatable bonds < 9
If 6 descriptors of a natural plant satisfy the above rules, it will be labeled high HOB.
HobPre: A natural plant ingredient with HobPre score >0.5 is labeled high human oral availability (HOB)
0 Ingredients with experimental-derived Activity
Unique ingredients have activity data available.