PROM --- Protein Music Composer

Expressing Genetic Messages from Protein Sequence

How to obtain the sequence of a protein?

Step 1: Click the provided link to protein sequence database

Step 2: Type in protein name or key words at the protein database interface. Key words can be anything related to the protein, such as disease name (e.g. HIV, bird flu, malaria), host species or type (e.g. influenza, SARS coronavirus), protein type (e.g. DNA-binding protein, protease, nuclear receptor)

Step 3: Select a protein entry

Step 4: Click the sequence link

Step 5: Select and Click FASTA format

Step 6: Select and Copy the Protein Sequence

Step 7: Send Your Sequence to PROM Protein Music Composer

BiDD Group
National University of Singapore
SOC 1, Level 7, 3 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117543

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