Natural Product Target: Fatty acid synthase

Target ID:   NPT865
Target Name:   Fatty acid synthase
Target Type:   Individual Protein
Organism of Target:   Homo sapiens
Target External ID:   Uniprot_ID:[ P49327]

  Biological Activities of Natural Products against the Target

Natural Product ID Natural Product Name # Activity Records
NPC316756 Pantoprazole 3
NPC47135 Orlistat 2
NPC5413 Gamolenic Acid 2
NPC93730 Flavonol 2
NPC126029 (-)-Epicatechin 2
NPC18951 Octadeca-10,12-Dienoic Acid 1
NPC190450 Miconioside A 1
NPC169479 1,3,7-Trihydroxyxanthone 1
NPC194856 Norathyriol 1
NPC473213 n.a. 1
NPC84772 Aspidinol-B 1
NPC228785 Mangostin 1
NPC473211 n.a. 1
NPC229649 Methylene-Bis-Methylphlorobutyrophenone 1
NPC473210 n.a. 1
NPC99968 Egonol 1
NPC250436 Epigalocatechin Gallate 1
NPC473212 n.a. 1
NPC10926 2,4,6,3',5'-Pentahydroxybenzophenone 1
NPC254449 n.a. 1
NPC107672 3,4,5,3'-Tetrahydroxybenzophenone 1
NPC261619 (+)-Epicatechin 1
NPC119224 Garcinone E 1
NPC275780 Mangostanin 1
NPC279121 Luteolin 1
NPC14353 Beta-Mangostin 1
NPC32552 [(7S)-3-[(1E,3E,5E)-Hepta-1,3,5-Trienyl]-7-Methyl-6,8-Dioxoisochromen-7-Yl] (3S)-3-Hydroxybutanoate 1
NPC136349 Methylthioadenosine 1
NPC290466 n.a. 1
NPC138056 n.a. 1
NPC15130 n.a. 1
NPC324484 S-Adenosylhomocysteine 1
NPC142339 Gama-Mangostin 1
NPC327106 [(7S)-3-[(1E,3E,5E)-Hepta-1,3,5-Trienyl]-7-Methyl-6,8-Dioxo-1Ah-Oxireno[2,3-J]Isochromen-7-Yl] (3S)-3-Hydroxybutanoate 1
NPC152451 Methionine 1
NPC329416 Isotretinoin 1

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4. Species Source: species sources that all natural products that have available activity against this target derived from.

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