Natural Product Target: GABA-A receptor; anion channel

Target ID:   NPT996
Target Name:   GABA-A receptor; anion channel
Target Type:   Protein Complex
Organism of Target:   Homo sapiens
Target External ID:   Uniprot_ID:[ Q16445]

  Biological Activities of Natural Products against the Target

Natural Product ID Natural Product Name # Activity Records
NPC325599 Diazepam 8
NPC18188 Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid 5
NPC7392 Isoguvacine 3
NPC226652 Bicuculline 3
NPC32298 Flavone 2
NPC138299 Amentoflavone 2
NPC241498 Hispidulin 1
NPC281104 Cocaine 1
NPC282087 Liothyronine 1
NPC317564 Nordazepam 1
NPC201380 Sid56317899 1
NPC78540 Chrysin 1
NPC50898 Apigenin 1
NPC58057 Allopregnanolone 1
NPC130230 Scutellarein 1
NPC63545 Norharmane 1
NPC131624 Wogonin 1
NPC179787 Harman 1
NPC237435 Baicalin 1
NPC239312 Baicalein 1

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1. Target Information: all available information of this target;
2. Biological Activity: activity records of all natural products that have available activity against this target;
3. Compound Information: compound related data of all natural products that have available activity against this target;
4. Species Source: species sources that all natural products that have available activity against this target derived from.

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