Natural Product Target: Fusarium avenaceum

Target ID:   NPT3660
Target Name:   Fusarium avenaceum
Target Type:   Organism
Organism of Target:   Fusarium avenaceum
Target External ID:  

  Biological Activities of Natural Products against the Target

Natural Product ID Natural Product Name # Activity Records
NPC315783 Natamycin 6
NPC245534 Blasticidin_S 3
NPC67917 Amphotericin B 3
NPC469795 Racemosol 3
NPC73422 Aglafolin 3
NPC808 Stilbostemin A 3
NPC96342 Stemofuran E 3
NPC98926 Stemofuran B 3
NPC112757 Stemofuran C 3
NPC174981 Stilbostemin B 3
NPC184607 Rocaglaol 3
NPC190514 Stilbostemin D 3
NPC206061 Rocaglamide 3
NPC212967 Stemofuran J 3
NPC236089 Pannellin 3
NPC246647 Stemofuran F 2
NPC164110 Stemofuran G 2
NPC477515 Nystatin 2
NPC326504 Multiplolide A 1
NPC256007 Kutzneride 2 1
NPC17935 8Alpha-Acetoxy-5Alpha-Hydroxy-7-Oxodecan-10-Olide 1
NPC111655 3,4-Dimethoxy-2,5-Bis(4-Methoxyphenyl)Phenol 1
NPC63873 7Alpha,8Alpha-Dihydroxy-3,5-Decadien-10-Olide 1
NPC44357 Kutzneride 1 1
NPC137437 Kutzneride 4 1
NPC473489 7Alpha-Acetoxymultiplolide A 1
NPC473582 8Alpha-Acetoxymultiplolide A 1
NPC478030 Cyclothiazomycin B1 1

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1. Target Information: all available information of this target;
2. Biological Activity: activity records of all natural products that have available activity against this target;
3. Compound Information: compound related data of all natural products that have available activity against this target;
4. Species Source: species sources that all natural products that have available activity against this target derived from.

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