Drug Information

Drug ID:  NPD3766
Drug Name:  Sertaconazole Nitrate
Molecular Formula:  C20H15Cl3N2OS.HNO3
Canonical SMILES:  Clc1ccc(c(c1)Cl)C(Cn1ccnc1)OCc1csc2c1cccc2Cl.ON(=O)=O
Standard InCHI:  InChI=1S/C20H15Cl3N2OS.HNO3/c21-14-4-5-16(18(23)8-14)19(9-25-7-6-24-12-25)26-10-13-11-27-20-15(13)2-1-3-17(20)22;2-1(3)4/h1-8,11-12,19H,9-10H2;(H,2,3,4)
Max Developmental Stage:  Approved
Max Developmental Stage Source:  ChEMBL

  Structural Similarity Between NPASS Natural Products and NPD3766

Similarity level is defined by Tanimoto coefficient (Tc) between two molecules. Tc lies between [0, 1] where '1' indicates the highest similarity. What is Tanimoto coefficient
Tanimoto coefficient is calculated based on PubChem 881-bit substructure fingerprints.

  Similar Natural Products

High Similarity Level: Tc>=0.85; Intermediate Similarity Level: 0.7 <= Tc < 0.85; Remote Similarity Level: 0.65 <= Tc < 0.7

Similarity Level Similarity Score Natural Product ID
Remote Similarity 0.6835 NPC471614
Remote Similarity 0.5983 NPC54537
Remote Similarity 0.5913 NPC39092
Remote Similarity 0.589 NPC242923
Remote Similarity 0.5866 NPC228206
Remote Similarity 0.5767 NPC475920
Remote Similarity 0.5741 NPC150447
Remote Similarity 0.572 NPC308906
Remote Similarity 0.5703 NPC477805
Remote Similarity 0.5703 NPC477806
Remote Similarity 0.5703 NPC477795
Remote Similarity 0.5703 NPC477796
Remote Similarity 0.567 NPC284678
Remote Similarity 0.5652 NPC280638
Remote Similarity 0.5641 NPC469308
Remote Similarity 0.5625 NPC161143
Remote Similarity 0.5618 NPC160666
Remote Similarity 0.5609 NPC198673

Drug Structure

External Identifiers

KEGG Drug  
PubChem CID  
CAS Number  

Drug Properties

Molecular Weight  436.00
ALogP  2.6554
MLogP  2.89
XLogP  5.17
HDA  3
HBD  0
Rotatable Bonds  9
TPSA  55.29
RO5 Violation  1