Natural Product: NPC472817

Natural Product ID:  NPC472817
Common Name:   n.a.
IUPAC Name:  
Molecular Formula:   C54H76N2O12
Standard InCHI:  InChI=1S/C54H76N2O12/c1-26-31-13-14-32-33-12-10-29-16-37-39(20-48(29,7)51(33,63)23-41(59)50(31,32)25-66-53(26,65)42(60)21-45(3,4)62)56-36-15-28-9-11-30-34(47(28,6)19-38(36)55-37)17-40(58)49(8)35(30)18-44-52(49,64)27(2)54(67-44)43(61)22-46(5,24-57)68-54/h14,18,26-31,33-34,40,42-44,57-58,60-65H,9-13,15-17,19-25H2,1-8H3/t26-,27-,28-,29-,30+,31+,33-,34-,40+,42+,43+,44-,46-,47-,48-,49+,50+,51+,52+,53-,54-/m0/s1
Canonical SMILES:  OC[C@]1(C)C[C@H]([C@]2(O1)O[C@@H]1[C@@]([C@@H]2C)(O)[C@@]2(C(=C1)[C@@H]1CC[C@@H]3[C@]([C@H]1C[C@H]2O)(C)Cc1c(C3)nc2c(n1)C[C@H]1[C@@](C2)(C)[C@@]2(O)CC(=O)[C@]34C(=CC[C@@H]4[C@@H]([C@@](OC3)(O)[C@@H](CC(O)(C)C)O)C)[C@@H]2CC1)C)O
First Find Year:  
Max Developmental Stage:  
Synthetic Gene Cluster:   ;

  Species Source

Organism ID Organism Name Taxonomy Level Family SuperKingdom Isolation Part Collection Location Collection Time Reference
NPO25585 Cephalodiscus gilchristi Species Cephalodiscidae Eukaryota 1990 PMID[26042639]

  Biological Activity

Target ID Target Type Target Name Target Organism Activity Type Activity Relation Value Unit Reference
NPT397 Cell Line NCI-H460 Homo sapiens GI50 = 6 nM 25497963
NPT2 Others Unspecified GI50 = 16 nM 23186727
NPT90 Cell Line DU-145 Homo sapiens GI50 = 210 nM 17190442
NPT2 Others Unspecified GI50 = 7.2 nM 25211032
NPT395 Cell Line SF-268 Homo sapiens GI50 = 36 nM 17043119
NPT83 Cell Line MCF7 Homo sapiens GI50 = 22 nM 18936188

  Similar Natural Products in NPASS

Similarity level is defined by Tanimoto coefficient (Tc) between two molecules. Tc lies between [0, 1] where '1' indicates the highest similarity. What is Tanimoto coefficient

●  The left chart: Distribution of similarity level between NPC472817 and all remaining natural products in the NPASS database.
●  The right table: Most similar natural products (Tc>=0.56 or Top200).

Similarity Score Similarity Level Natural Product ID

  Similar Clinical/Approved Drugs

Similarity level is defined by Tanimoto coefficient (Tc) between two molecules.

●  The left chart: Distribution of similarity level between NPC472817 and all drugs/candidates.
●  The right table: Most similar clinical/approved drugs (Tc>=0.56 or Top200).

Similarity Score Similarity Level Drug ID Developmental Stage


External Identifiers

PubChem CID  
ChEMBL   CHEMBL3586284

Physicochemical Properties

Molecular Weight:  944.54
MLogP:  5.86
XLogP:  1.141
# Rotatable Bonds:  20
Polar Surface Area:  
# H-Bond Aceptor:  14
# H-Bond Donor:  8
# Rings:  0
# Heavy Atoms:  68

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