Natural Product: NPC4668

Natural Product ID:  NPC4668
Common Name:   Guvacine
IUPAC Name:   1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridin-1-ium-5-carboxylate
Synonyms:   Guvacine
Molecular Formula:   C6H9NO2
Standard InCHI:  InChI=1S/C6H9NO2/c8-6(9)5-2-1-3-7-4-5/h2,7H,1,3-4H2,(H,8,9)
Canonical SMILES:  OC(=O)C1=CCCNC1
First Find Year:  
Max Developmental Stage:  
Synthetic Gene Cluster:   ;

  Species Source

Organism ID Organism Name Taxonomy Level Family SuperKingdom Isolation Part Collection Location Collection Time Reference
NPO3912 Areca catechu Species Arecaceae Eukaryota fruit Phytochemistry,1998,48(3): 581-582
NPO3912 Areca catechu Species Arecaceae Eukaryota TCMSP*
NPO29577 Arecae semen NA NA NA TCMSP*
NPO3912 Areca catechu Species Arecaceae Eukaryota TM-MC*
NPO5949 Pericarpium arecae NA NA NA TCMID*
NPO3806 Garcinia morella Species Clusiaceae Eukaryota TCMID*
NPO6483 Semen arecae preparata NA NA NA TCMID*
NPO3912 Areca catechu Species Arecaceae Eukaryota TCMID*

  Biological Activity

Target ID Target Type Target Name Target Organism Activity Type Activity Relation Value Unit Reference
NPT29 Organism Rattus norvegicus Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 4920 nM 2985785
NPT805 Protein Complex GABA-A receptor; anion channel Rattus norvegicus Inhibition = 27 % 2985785
NPT806 Individual Protein Glutamate decarboxylase 67 kDa isoform Rattus norvegicus Inhibition = 0 % 2985785
NPT807 Individual Protein Gamma-amino-N-butyrate transaminase Rattus norvegicus Inhibition = 7 % 2985785
NPT29 Organism Rattus norvegicus Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 7300 nM 1433224
NPT29 Organism Rattus norvegicus Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 12000 nM 10639282
NPT32 Organism Mus musculus Mus musculus IC50 = 32000 nM 10639282
NPT32 Organism Mus musculus Mus musculus IC50 = 29000 nM 10639282
NPT808 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Homo sapiens IC50 = 14000 nM 8057281
NPT809 Individual Protein GABA transporter 2 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 58000 nM 8057281
NPT810 Individual Protein GABA transporter 3 Homo sapiens IC50 = 119000 nM 8057281
NPT811 Individual Protein Betaine transporter Homo sapiens IC50 = 1870000 nM 8057281
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 2650 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 1680 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 2900 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 2260 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 2660 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 1760 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 1870 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 2790 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 1910 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 2770 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 1850 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 2590 nM 15509161
NPT812 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Rattus norvegicus IC50 = 2560 nM 15509161
NPT813 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Mus musculus IC50 = 13489.63 nM 18395300
NPT814 Individual Protein GABA transporter 2 Mus musculus IC50 = 489778.82 nM 18395300
NPT815 Individual Protein GABA transporter 3 Mus musculus IC50 = 25703.96 nM 18395300
NPT816 Individual Protein GABA transporter 4 Mus musculus IC50 = 25703.96 nM 18395300
NPT810 Individual Protein GABA transporter 3 Homo sapiens IC50 = 110000 nM 20219271
NPT817 Individual Protein GABA transporter 2 Homo sapiens IC50 = 66000 nM 20219271
NPT210 Individual Protein Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor Homo sapiens Potency = 39810.7 nM PubChem BioAssay data set
NPT242 Individual Protein Dopamine D1 receptor Homo sapiens Potency 1458 nM PubChem BioAssay data set
NPT5 Individual Protein Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase, H3 lysine-9 specific 3 Homo sapiens Potency 891.3 nM PubChem BioAssay data set
NPT62 Individual Protein 6-phospho-1-fructokinase Trypanosoma brucei Potency 37933 nM PubChem BioAssay data set
NPT135 Individual Protein Chromobox protein homolog 1 Homo sapiens Potency 5972.8 nM PubChem BioAssay data set
NPT813 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Mus musculus IC50 = 12589.25 nM 23336362
NPT813 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Mus musculus IC50 = 14000 nM 23336362
NPT104 Individual Protein Cerebroside-sulfatase Homo sapiens Potency 13.5 nM PubChem BioAssay data set
NPT813 Individual Protein GABA transporter 1 Mus musculus IC50 = 20900 nM 26706177
NPT814 Individual Protein GABA transporter 2 Mus musculus IC50 > 1000000 nM 26706177
NPT815 Individual Protein GABA transporter 3 Mus musculus IC50 = 72400 nM 26706177
NPT816 Individual Protein GABA transporter 4 Mus musculus IC50 = 114800 nM 26706177

  Similar Natural Products in NPASS

Similarity level is defined by Tanimoto coefficient (Tc) between two molecules. Tc lies between [0, 1] where '1' indicates the highest similarity. What is Tanimoto coefficient

●  The left chart: Distribution of similarity level between NPC4668 and all remaining natural products in the NPASS database.
●  The right table: Most similar natural products (Tc>=0.56 or Top200).

Similarity Score Similarity Level Natural Product ID
1.0 High Similarity NPC133758
0.8906 High Similarity NPC98329
0.8906 High Similarity NPC7392
0.8852 High Similarity NPC305973
0.8594 High Similarity NPC112312
0.7576 Intermediate Similarity NPC14437
0.7576 Intermediate Similarity NPC270412
0.6842 Remote Similarity NPC122471
0.6757 Remote Similarity NPC133700
0.6747 Remote Similarity NPC202056
0.64 Remote Similarity NPC90782
0.6389 Remote Similarity NPC66789
0.5938 Remote Similarity NPC87137
0.5909 Remote Similarity NPC221467
0.5823 Remote Similarity NPC126293
0.5821 Remote Similarity NPC43053
0.5758 Remote Similarity NPC137419
0.5758 Remote Similarity NPC122212
0.5738 Remote Similarity NPC8270
0.5645 Remote Similarity NPC221250
0.5634 Remote Similarity NPC51846
0.5625 Remote Similarity NPC6963
0.5625 Remote Similarity NPC304079
0.56 Remote Similarity NPC77891

  Similar Clinical/Approved Drugs

Similarity level is defined by Tanimoto coefficient (Tc) between two molecules.

●  The left chart: Distribution of similarity level between NPC4668 and all drugs/candidates.
●  The right table: Most similar clinical/approved drugs (Tc>=0.56 or Top200).

Similarity Score Similarity Level Drug ID Developmental Stage
0.8906 High Similarity NPD9137 Approved
0.7576 Intermediate Similarity NPD9418 Clinical (unspecified phase)
0.5876 Remote Similarity NPD2905 Discontinued
0.5823 Remote Similarity NPD9354 Clinical (unspecified phase)
0.5823 Remote Similarity NPD9355 Approved


External Identifiers

PubChem CID   40468028;3532

Physicochemical Properties

Molecular Weight:  127.06
ALogP:  -0.6528
MLogP:  1.79
XLogP:  0.041
# Rotatable Bonds:  2
Polar Surface Area:  49.33
# H-Bond Aceptor:  3
# H-Bond Donor:  2
# Rings:  1
# Heavy Atoms:  9

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