
PROFEAT - Protein Feature Server (2016)                                                                                        Return to HOME

PROFEAT is a web server for computing commonly used proteins features from amino acid sequence, and interaction network properties from network structure.

Reference Manual


(1) List of Newly Added Descriptors in PROFEAT (2016)

(2) Introduction of PROFEAT Descriptors

(3) Demonstration

(4) User Guide for Parameters

(5) User Guide for Input & Output

(6) List of Publications Using Features Provided by PROFEAT

How to cite our database

P. Zhang, L. Tao, X. Zeng, C. Qin, S.Y. Chen, F. Zhu, Z.R. Li, Y.Y. Jiang, W.P. Chen, Y.Z. Chen. A protein network descriptor server and its use in studying protein, disease, metabolic and drug targeted networks. Brief Bioinform. pii: bbw071 (2016).

P. Zhang, L. Tao, X. Zeng, C. Qin, S.Y. Chen, F. Zhu, S.Y. Yang, Z.R. Li, W.P. Chen, Y.Z. Chen. PROFEAT Update: A Protein Features Web Server with Added Facility to Compute Network Descriptors for Studying Omics-Derived Networks. J Mol Biol. pii:S0022-2836(16)30428-4. (2016).

H.B. Rao, F. Zhu, G.B. Yang, Z.R. Li, and Y.Z. Chen. Update of PROFEAT: a web server for computing structural and physicochemical features of proteins and peptides from amino acid sequence. Nucleic Acids Res. Jul 1, 2011; 39(Web Server issue):W385-90.

Z.R. Li, H.H. Lin, L.Y. Han, L. Jiang, X. Chen, and Y.Z. Chen. PROFEAT: A Web Server for Computing Structural and Physicochemical Features of Proteins and Peptides from Amino Acid Sequence. Nucleic Acids Res. Jul 1, 2006; 34(Web Server issue):W32-7.

List of Publications That Used the Features in PROFEAT

The earlier version of PROFEAT can be found HERE.

Last updated: 02 Mar 2016

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If you find any error in data or bug in web service, please kindly report it to Dr. Tao Lin or Mr. Zhang Peng.

Dr. Chen Yuzong

Deputy Director of Center for Computational Science and Engineering
Professor in Department of Pharmacy
National University of Singapore, Singapore

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