Component: Rhinoceros unicornis 犀角

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Rhinoceros unicornis
English Name
Rhinoceros horn
Chinese Pinyin Name
Xi Jiao
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
Heat clearence
Therapeutic Class Chinese
clear heat, cool the blood and stop bleeding, purge the sthenic fire and remove toxic materials, clear away heart-fire and calm the mind
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx2566 Bolus of Storax; Liquidambar Pill 苏和香丸
TCMFx2112 Children-Welfare Tablet 小儿金丹片
TCMFx1334 Children-Welfare Tablet 小儿金丹片
TCMFx3771 Da Huo Luo Pills 大活络丸
TCMF2144 Decoction for Clearing Away Heat Evil in Yingfen 清营汤
TCMF2483 Decoction of Indigo Naturalis for Rashes Subsidence 消斑青黛饮
TCMFx2117 Detoxicating Tablet of Rhinoceros Horn and Antelope's Horn 西羚解毒片
TCMFx1426 Ginseng Restorative Bolus 人参再造丸
TCMFx2598 Ginseng Restorative Bolus 人参再造丸
TCMFx2342 Greatest Treasure Special Precious Pills 至宝丹
TCMF2372 Heat Clearing Period Decoction 清热固冲汤
TCMFx4274 Hui Tian Zai Zao Pills 回天再造丸
TCMFx2313 Large Bolus for Activating Channels and Collaterals 大活络丸
TCMFx2426 Mother of Pearl Pills 珍珠母丸
TCMF4201 Niu Huang Qing Gong Pills 牛黄清宫丸
TCMFx1812 Pericardium Heat Dissipating Decoction 清宫汤
TCMF2526 Poison Eliminating Cooling Decoction 清瘟败毒饮
TCMFx2535 Purple Snowy Powder 紫雪丹
TCMFx1312 Quick-Acting Cow-bezoar Bolus 速效牛黄丸
TCMFx2018 Quick-Acting Cow-bezoar Bolus 速效牛黄丸
TCMFx1802 Rash Dissolving Decoction 化斑汤
TCMFx2013 Restorative Bolus with Tremendous Power 回天再造丸
TCMFx1679 Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction 犀角地黄汤
TCMF5750 Xi Jiao Hua Du Pills 犀角化毒丸
TCMF5758 Xi Ling Jie Du Pills 犀羚解毒丸

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation

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2. TCM Prescriptions with the Component  
3. Putative Targets  
4. Activity & References for Filtering Putative Targets  
5. Ingredient Data & Chemical Structure Information (Properties, InChI, InChIkey, SMILES, etc.)