Plant Name Plant Genus Plant Family Plant Category No. of Human Target Genes No. of Gene Ontology Terms No. of KEGG Pathways No. of Related Human Diseases
Rhizophora Mangle Rhizophora Rhizophoraceae 5 0 0 41
Rhizophora Apiculata Rhizophora Rhizophoraceae 0 0 0 0
Ceriops Decandra Ceriops Rhizophoraceae 20 100 18 103
Rhizophora Stylosa Rhizophora Rhizophoraceae 0 0 0 0
Bruguiera Gymnorhiza Bruguiera Rhizophoraceae 10 100 5 71
Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza Bruguiera Rhizophoraceae 2 0 0 32
Ceriops Tagal Ceriops Rhizophoraceae 0 0 0 0
Bruguiera Cylindrica Bruguiera Rhizophoraceae 5 0 0 50
Cassipourea Guianensis Cassipourea Rhizophoraceae 2 0 0 4
Pellacalyx Axillaris Pellacalyx Rhizophoraceae 19 100 14 140
Bruguiera Parviflora Bruguiera Rhizophoraceae 0 0 0 0
Rhizophora Mucronata Rhizophora Rhizophoraceae 8 0 0 29
Rhizophora Tagal Rhizophora Rhizophoraceae 15 100 18 64
Kandelia Candel Kandelia Rhizophoraceae 16 100 18 123