These artworks are based on the 3D structure of protein and DNA. The artist’s intention is to convey the wonders of genes, and to express our feelings towards nature, civilization and diseases.

Each artwork is accompanied by a music generated from the sequence of the same protein based on a multitude of amino acid properties. The music is automatically played when you click each individual image.

Click on a thumbnail to view a larger version of the image and play the protein music.

Double-Stranded DNA Bound by an Anticancer Drug Cisplatin(ID:JL0080)
A Triple Helical DNA with a Triplex-Duplex Junction(ID:JL0081)
The loop E-loop D region of Escherichia coli 5S Rrna.(ID:JL0082)
DNA-RNA complex containing a four-way junction(ID:JL0083)