Assignment for Lab 4: Molecular
dynamics (three-body problem).
d2r/dt2 = - 100 r/r3 - 0.1(r-r')/|r-r'|3
d2r'/dt2 = - 100 r'/r'3 + (r-r')/|r-r'|3
where r = |r| = sqrt{x2+y2} and r' = |r'| = sqrt{x'2+y'2}.
(a) Find the orbits r(t) and r'(t) for 0
< t < 628 using symplectic algorithm C with the following initial
conditions: r(0) = (100,0), r'(0) = (95, 0); and initial
velocities: dr(0)/dt = (0,1), dr'(0)/dt = (0,0.6).
(b) Present a trajectory plot (x vs. y). Discuss features
of the orbits. (c) What should be a proper choice for step size h?
You may modify this molecular dynamics code (written by Dr. Wang Jian Shen) for your work.