National University of Singapore, Science Faculty, Computational Sci Dept

BIDD group photo

Bioinformatics & Drug Design group [BIDD] is a research group based in Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore. Our group is active in computer-aided drug design, pharmainformatics and cheminformatics, computational biology and bioinformatics, herbal medicine, and art and sciences.

 BIDD is located at S17, NUSBIDD is located at S17, NUSBIDD is located at S17, NUS

We have been developing computational methods, software tools and databases for drug discovery, target discovery, protein function prediction modeling of biological systems, and biomarker discovery. Our research has led to one US patent, 10 databases, 9 web-based software tools, 3 art and science web-servers, and >161 papers published in such international journals as Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Pharmacological Reviews, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Drug Discovery Today, Molecular Therapeutics, Natural Product Reports, Cancer Research, Nucleic Acids Research, and Journal of Immunology.

We pioneered inverse docking method for drug target discovery, developed the popular therapeutic target database, and are among World’s first in exploring machine learning methods for protein function prediction, ADME-Tox prediction, target discovery, multi-target virtual screening

We have been actively collaborating with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies such as ISIS Pharmaceuticals (USA) on antisense drug discovery and Origenix Technologies (Canada) on antibacterial drug development, and with academic groups at University of Toledo (biophysics) and Purdue University (biophysics), Institute of Biomaterials and bioengineering Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Drug discovery), Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica Chinese Academy of Science (TCM), ChongQing University (biophysics and bioinformatics), SiChuan University (bioinformatics and drug design), Dalian University of Technology (biophysics), Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology. (bioinformatics), Qinghua University Shenzhen Graduate School (muti-target drug discovery)

BIDD alumni remain active in academic and research careers as faculty members in Tongji University, Xiamen University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Sichuan University, Chongqing University, National University of Singapore, and Boston University, as senior scientists in NIH, Harvard University, Boston University, University of Georgia, National University of Singapore, A*star IMCB and BII, and as PIs in pharmaceutical companies such as Novartis.

Our group members are also active in teaching bioinformatics and computer aided drug design courses for both undergraduate and graduate students in a number of Departments at NUS.


Last updated by Nov 5th, 2010

Computer-aided Drug Design
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Department of Pharmacy | National University of Singapore | Blk MD1, 12 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117549