8 Known Ingredients in Total

Unique ingredients have been isolated from this plant.
Plant-Ingredients Associations were manually curated from publications or collected from other databases.

5 Ingredients with Available Activity

Unique ingredients have activity data available.

Ingredient Structrual Cards

Ingredient ID: NPC8219
Formula: C18H32O2

Ingredient ID: NPC18980
Formula: C21H20O8

Ingredient ID: NPC187777
Formula: C18H26O2

Ingredient ID: NPC163527
Formula: C21H20O8

Ingredient ID: NPC150943
Formula: C21H20O8

Ingredient ID: NPC149505
Formula: C23H24O8

Ingredient ID: NPC115281
Formula: C22H22O8

Ingredient ID: NPC101830
Formula: C18H16O7


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
NPC101830 C18H16O7 Penduletin 344.09 -1.9197 2.67 1.882 2 2 94.45 9 3 25 0
NPC115281 C22H22O8 Beta-Peltatin A 414.13 -1.129 3 1.326 2 1 92.68 8 5 30 0
NPC149505 C23H24O8 Beta-Peltatin-A Methylether 428.15 -0.7205 3.11 1.845 2 0 81.68 9 5 31 0
NPC150943 C21H20O8 4'-Demethylpodophyllotoxin 400.12 -1.9091 2.89 0.74 3 2 103.68 7 5 29 0
NPC163527 C21H20O8 400.1158176 -1.5375 2.89 0.807 2 2 103.68 7 5 29 0
NPC187777 C18H26O2 274.19 -0.2031 3.22 6.906 2 1 37.3 12 0 20 1
NPC18980 C21H20O8 (5aR,8aR,9S)-4-hydroxy-9-(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-5a,6,8a,9-tetrahydro-5H-[2]benzofuro[5,6-f][1,3]benzodioxol-8-one 400.1158176 -1.5375 2.89 0.807 2 2 103.68 3 5 29 0
NPC8219 C18H32O2 9-Octadecynoic Acid 280.24 -2.6065 3.22 7.498 2 1 37.3 15 0 20 2

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