7 Known Ingredients in Total

Unique ingredients have been isolated from this plant.
Plant-Ingredients Associations were manually curated from publications or collected from other databases.

6 Ingredients with Available Activity

Unique ingredients have activity data available.

Ingredient Structrual Cards

Ingredient ID: NPC76576
Formula: C17H14O7

Ingredient ID: NPC73855
Formula: C21H20O12

Ingredient ID: NPC281131
Formula: C21H20O12

Ingredient ID: NPC20791
Formula: C15H10O7

Ingredient ID: NPC17810
Formula: C40H56

Ingredient ID: NPC173637
Formula: C21H20O11

Ingredient ID: NPC169749
Formula: C15H10O8


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
NPC169749 C15H10O8 Myricetin 318.04 -3.2615 2.23 0.847 2 6 147.68 7 3 23 1
NPC173637 C21H20O11 Quercitrin 448.1 -4.3921 2.56 0.349 6 7 186.37 11 4 32 1
NPC17810 C40H56 Beta Carotene 536.44 8.935 5.86 14.734 0 0 0 20 2 40 1
NPC20791 C15H10O7 Quercetin 302.04 -2.8012 2.34 1.381 2 5 127.45 6 3 22 0
NPC281131 C21H20O12 Hyperoside 464.1 -4.8921 2.45 -0.354 7 8 206.6 12 4 33 1
NPC73855 C21H20O12 Myricitrin 464.1 -4.8524 2.45 -0.185 6 8 206.6 12 4 33 1
NPC76576 C17H14O7 3,7-dihydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-5-methoxychromen-4-one 330.0739528 -1.9842 2.56 1.99 2 3 105.45 3 3 24 0

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