13 Known Ingredients in Total

Unique ingredients have been isolated from this plant.
Plant-Ingredients Associations were manually curated from publications or collected from other databases.

8 Ingredients with Available Activity

Unique ingredients have activity data available.

Ingredient Structrual Cards

Ingredient ID: NPC73671
Formula: C26H42O3

Ingredient ID: NPC72452
Formula: C19H18O6

Ingredient ID: NPC50728
Formula: C18H16O7

Ingredient ID: NPC310259
Formula: C20H20O7

Ingredient ID: NPC281639
Formula: C21H40O2

Ingredient ID: NPC276905
Formula: C18H16O6

Ingredient ID: NPC270620
Formula: C18H16O7

Ingredient ID: NPC262094
Formula: C18H16O6

Ingredient ID: NPC236769
Formula: C19H18O7

Ingredient ID: NPC200740
Formula: C17H14O7

Ingredient ID: NPC186126
Formula: C17H14O6

Ingredient ID: NPC166753
Formula: C18H16O7

Ingredient ID: NPC146679
Formula: C17H14O6


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
NPC146679 C17H14O6 Kumatakenin 314.08 -1.8679 2.67 2.326 2 2 85.22 7 3 23 0
NPC166753 C18H16O7 344.0896029 -1.5757 2.67 2.509 2 2 94.45 9 3 25 0
NPC186126 C17H14O6 3,7-dihydroxy-5-methoxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)chromen-4-one 314.0790382 -1.5239 2.67 2.953 2 2 85.22 3 3 23 0
NPC200740 C17H14O7 Ombuine 330.07 -1.9842 2.56 1.99 2 3 105.45 8 3 24 0
NPC236769 C19H18O7 Retusin 358.11 -1.5112 2.78 2.401 2 1 83.45 10 3 26 0
NPC262094 C18H16O6 7-Trimethylkaempferol 328.09 -1.4594 2.78 2.845 2 1 74.22 8 3 24 0
NPC270620 C18H16O7 Ayanin 344.09 -1.9197 2.67 1.882 2 2 94.45 9 3 25 0
NPC276905 C18H16O6 5,7,4'-Tri-O-Methylkaempferol 328.09 -1.1154 2.78 3.472 2 1 74.22 8 3 24 0
NPC281639 C21H40O2 (E)-1-methoxyicos-4-en-3-one 324.3028305 -3.3452 3.55 8.499 2 0 26.3 18 0 23 2
NPC310259 C20H20O7 Pentamethylquercetin 372.12 -1.1027 2.89 2.92 2 0 72.45 11 3 27 0
NPC50728 C18H16O7 344.0896029 -1.5757 2.67 2.509 2 2 94.45 9 3 25 0
NPC72452 C19H18O6 Tetramethylkaempferol 342.11 -1.0509 2.89 3.364 2 0 63.22 9 3 25 0
NPC73671 C26H42O3 (E)-1-(4-hydroxyphenoxy)icos-4-en-3-one 402.3133952 -3.9078 3.99 9.868 1 1 46.53 19 1 29 2

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