10 Known Ingredients in Total

Unique ingredients have been isolated from this plant.
Plant-Ingredients Associations were manually curated from publications or collected from other databases.

9 Ingredients with Available Activity

Unique ingredients have activity data available.

Ingredient Structrual Cards

Ingredient ID: NPC475815
Formula: C22H28O4

Ingredient ID: NPC473264
Formula: C22H28O4

Ingredient ID: NPC470887
Formula: C24H28O6

Ingredient ID: NPC38996
Formula: C20H24O4

Ingredient ID: NPC242885
Formula: C20H26O4

Ingredient ID: NPC222327
Formula: C6H9NO4

Ingredient ID: NPC188231
Formula: C6H9NO4

Ingredient ID: NPC160380
Formula: C20H24O4

Ingredient ID: NPC15864
Formula: C6H9NO2

Ingredient ID: NPC128208
Formula: C20H24O5


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
NPC128208 C20H24O5 Nectandrin B 344.16 -1.0123 3.11 2.93 1 2 68.15 10 3 25 0
NPC15864 C6H9NO2 (1R,2S,5S)-3-Azabicyclo[3.1.0]Hexane-2-Carboxylic Acid 127.06 -1.3555 1.79 -0.289 3 2 49.33 2 2 9 0
NPC160380 C20H24O4 Endiandrin A 328.17 -1.0192 3.22 4.776 0 2 58.92 10 3 24 0
NPC188231 C6H9NO4 (1S,2R)-2-[(S)-Amino(Carboxy)Methyl]Cyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid 159.05 -1.775 1.57 -3.457 5 3 100.62 6 1 11 0
NPC222327 C6H9NO4 (1R,2S)-2-[(S)-Amino(Carboxy)Methyl]Cyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid 159.05 -1.775 1.57 -3.457 5 3 100.62 6 1 11 0
NPC242885 C20H26O4 (-)-Dihydroguaiareticacid 330.18 -0.115 3.22 5.238 0 2 58.92 13 2 24 1
NPC38996 C20H24O4 Endiandrin B 328.17 -1.0192 3.22 4.776 0 2 58.92 10 3 24 0
NPC470887 C24H28O6 Di-O-Acetylendiandrin A 412.19 -0.261 3.44 6.256 2 0 71.06 14 3 30 1
NPC473264 C22H28O4 Di-O-Methylendiandrin A 356.2 -0.2022 3.44 5.814 0 0 36.92 12 3 26 1
NPC475815 C22H28O4 356.2 -0.2022 3.44 5.814 0 0 36.92 12 3 26 1

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