9 Known Ingredients in Total

Unique ingredients have been isolated from this plant.
Plant-Ingredients Associations were manually curated from publications or collected from other databases.

5 Ingredients with Available Activity

Unique ingredients have activity data available.

Ingredient Structrual Cards

Ingredient ID: NPC88278
Formula: C6H12O6

Ingredient ID: NPC64915
Formula: C26H30O5

Ingredient ID: NPC298692
Formula: C30H36O6

Ingredient ID: NPC262039
Formula: C25H28O6

Ingredient ID: NPC230463
Formula: C30H48O3

Ingredient ID: NPC228504
Formula: C25H28O5

Ingredient ID: NPC213896
Formula: C25H28O6

Ingredient ID: NPC185276
Formula: C30H36O5

Ingredient ID: NPC125855
Formula: C25H28O5


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
NPC125855 C25H28O5 Macarangaflavanone B 408.19 1.9404 3.66 3.837 1 3 86.99 12 3 30 0
NPC185276 C30H36O5 476.26 3.1726 4.21 5.659 1 3 86.99 16 3 35 1
NPC213896 C25H28O6 Nymphaeol A 424.19 0.8349 3.55 3.655 1 4 107.22 13 3 31 0
NPC228504 C25H28O5 Bonannione A 408.19 1.2952 3.66 4.189 1 3 86.99 12 3 30 0
NPC230463 C30H48O3 456.3603454 2.3495 4.43 9.407 3 2 57.53 2 5 33 1
NPC262039 C25H28O6 Bonanniol A 424.19 0.643 3.55 3.854 2 4 107.22 13 3 31 0
NPC298692 C30H36O6 492.25 2.7123 4.1 5.125 1 4 107.22 17 3 36 1
NPC64915 C26H30O5 422.21 1.7037 3.77 4.708 1 2 75.99 13 3 31 0
NPC88278 C6H12O6 Inositol 180.06 -3.0642 1.46 -1.458 6 6 121.38 6 1 12 1

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