Component: Rhizoma dioscoreae nipponicae 穿山龙

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Rhizoma dioscoreae nipponicae
English Name
Ningpo yam rhizome
Chinese Pinyin Name
Chuan Shan Long
TCM Properties
Minor cold,Bitter
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
For dispelling wind-dampness
Therapeutic Class Chinese
promote blood circulation and dredge the channels, expel wind and dampness, eliminate phlegm, and relieve cough and dyspnea, clear toxic materials and relieve swelling
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx3725 Bi Tong Ding 痹痛酊
TCMFx878 Chuan Long Gu Ci Tablet 穿龙骨刺片
TCMFx3428 Chuan Long Gu Ci Tablets 穿龙骨刺片
TCMFx3435 Chuan Shan Long Zhu She Oral Liquid 穿山龙注射液
TCMFx3449 Die Da Zhi Tong Powder 跌打止痛散
TCMF3399 Feng Shi Guan Jie Wine 风湿关节酒
TCMF3487 Feng Shi Sheng Yao Capsules 风湿圣药胶囊
TCMFx3556 Feng Shi Zhi Tong Yao Wine 风湿止痛药酒
TCMFx3417 Gu Ci Pills 骨刺丸
TCMFx3425 Gu Ci Xiao Tong Capsules 骨刺消痛胶囊
TCMFx748 Gu Ci Xiao Tong Tablet 骨刺消痛片
TCMFx3433 Gu Ci Xiao Tong Tablets 骨刺消痛片
TCMFx7018 Gu Ge Feng Tong Tablets 骨骼风痛片
TCMFx3490 Gu Long Capsules 骨龙胶囊
TCMF4818 Jia Wei Tian Me Capsules 加味天麻胶囊
TCMFx4648 Jie Gu Xu Jin Tablets 接骨续筋片
TCMF4284 Jin Gu Ning Cha Ji 筋骨宁搽剂
TCMFx4215 Kang Shuan Zai Zao Pills 抗栓再造丸
TCMFx578 Kang Shuan Zai Zao Pills 抗栓再造丸
TCMFx5502 Ren Shen Tian Ma Yao Wine 人参天麻药酒
TCMF7232 Shuang Teng Jin Gu Tablets 双藤筋骨片
TCMFx2446 Wind Chasing Decoction 搜风通络汤
TCMFx7158 Yin Huang Qing Fei Capsules 银黄清肺胶囊
TCMFx6622 Yun Nan Bai Yao 云南白药
TCMFx6642 Yun Nan Bai Yao Capsules 云南白药胶囊
TCMFx6629 Yun Nan Bai Yao Ding 云南白药酊
TCMFx6636 Yun Nan Bai Yao Ointment 云南白药膏
TCMFx6570 Zhuang Yao Xiao Tong Oral Liquid 壮腰消痛液

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID
TCMT3 ALOX15 Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase Oxidoreductase P16050
TCMT318 HKDC1 Putative hexokinase HKDC1 Transferase Q2TB90
TCMT8 KDM4E Lysine-specific demethylase 4D-like Oxidoreductase B2RXH2

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues

Ingredient ID: TCMC6876
Formula: C44H70O17

Ingredient ID: TCMC6740
Formula: C45H72O16

Ingredient ID: TCMC5654
Formula: C52H86O22

Ingredient ID: TCMC3966
Formula: C29H50O

Ingredient ID: TCMC3648
Formula: C52H86O23

Ingredient ID: TCMC3566
Formula: C45H72O17

Ingredient ID: TCMC1015
Formula: C11H10N2O


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
TCMC1015 C11H10N2O Deoxyvasicinone 186.08 -0.8417 2.34 1.937 3 0 32.67 0 3 14 0
TCMC3566 C45H72O17 Gracillin 884.4769508 -4.4636 4.54 2.562 17 9 255.91 8 9 62 2
TCMC3648 C52H86O23 Methylprotogracillin 1078.555989 -6.5685 4.65 0.955 23 13 355.29 16 9 75 3
TCMC3966 C29H50O Sitosterol,Β-Sitosterol 414.3861662 1.3 4.54 11.595 1 1 20.23 6 4 30 1
TCMC5654 C52H86O22 Methylprotodioscin 1062.561074 -6.0685 4.76 1.229 22 12 335.06 15 9 74 3
TCMC6740 C45H72O16 Dioscin 868.4820362 -3.9636 4.65 2.836 16 8 235.68 7 9 61 2
TCMC6876 C44H70O17 Polyphyllin Ⅱ 870.4613008 -4.6638 4.43 1.044 17 9 255.91 8 9 61 2

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