Component: Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans 蜈蚣

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans
English Name
Chinese Pinyin Name
Wu Gong
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
For calming liver and containing wind
Therapeutic Class Chinese
subdue endogenous wind and stop spasms, dispel toxins, clear collaterals and stop pain
Extremely Toxic
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Hubei Province
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx3001 Ba Du Ointment 拔毒膏
TCMFx692 Ba Du Ointment 拔毒膏
TCMFx2460 Bone Pain Essential Recipe 骨痛药方
TCMFx3297 Chu Zhi Sheng Fa Tablets 除脂生发片
TCMFx3708 Da Bai Du Capsules 大败毒胶囊
TCMFx3320 Dian She Pills 点舌丸
TCMFx1190 Dian Xian Ping Tablet 癫痫平片
TCMFx109 Dian Xian Ping Tablets 癲痫平片
TCMFx3311 Dian Xian Powder 癫痫散
TCMFx3743 Du Ji Du Jiao Ointment 杜记独角膏
TCMFx3177 Fei Long Duo Ming Pills 飞龙夺命丸
TCMFx3365 Feng Shi Fu Yin Pills 风湿福音丸
TCMFx3556 Feng Shi Zhi Tong Yao Wine 风湿止痛药酒
TCMF3582 Feng Tong Ning Tablets 风痛宁片
TCMF3598 Feng Tong Pills 风痛丸
TCMFx2405 Five Insect and Four Vine Decoction 五虫四藤汤
TCMFx2078 Four Insect Blood Revitalization Decoction 四虫活血汤
TCMF31 Fu Fang Huang Bai Liquid 复方黄柏液涂剂
TCMFx3264 Gong Mi Ointment 宫糜膏
TCMFx4412 Hei Hu Powder 黑虎散
TCMFx4371 Huo Xue Jie Du Pills 活血解毒丸
TCMFx4649 Ji De Sheng She Yao Tablets 季德胜蛇药片
TCMFx4411 Jian Yang Tablets 健阳片
TCMF4819 Jin Bu Huan Ointment 金不换膏
TCMF714 Jin Pu Capsule 金蒲胶囊
TCMF2255 Jin Warming Decoction 温经活血汤
TCMFx199 Jiu Wei Gan Tai Capsule 九味肝泰胶囊
TCMFx4211 Kang Shuan Capsules 抗栓胶囊
TCMF930 Lang Chuang Pills 狼疮丸
TCMF4775 Lang Chuang Pills 狼疮丸
TCMFx4458 Liu Tiao Ointment 柳条膏
TCMFx1994 Liver Soothing and Wind Dispersing Decoction 柔肝息风通络汤
TCMF4647 Nan Chun Bao Capsules 男春宝胶囊
TCMFx4678 Nao Sha Ointment 硇砂膏
TCMFx2385 Pain Stoping Decoction 止痛蠲痹汤
TCMF6949 Pi Min Xiao Capsules 皮敏消胶囊
TCMF5045 Qian Lie Hui Chun Capsules 前列回春胶囊
TCMFx5006 Qing Yu Bi Wen Dan 庆余辟瘟丹
TCMFx490 Qing Yu Pi Wen Dan 庆余辟瘟丹
TCMF5117 Qu Feng Ointment 祛风膏
TCMFx5888 San Bian Capsules 三鞭胶囊
TCMFx5896 San Bian Wine 三鞭酒
TCMF5201 San Feng Huo Luo Pills 散风活络丸
TCMFx5140 She Xiang Hui Yang Ointment 麝香回阳膏
TCMFx5391 Shu Jin Die Da Ointment 舒筋跌打膏
TCMFx2495 Sunrise Spasm Stoping Powder
TCMFx5388 Tian He Zhui Feng Ointment 天和追风膏
TCMFx256 Tian He Zhui Feng Ointment 天和追风膏
TCMFx982 Tong Bi Capsule 通痹胶囊
TCMFx970 Tong Xin Luo Capsule 通心络胶囊
TCMFx2433 Waist Strengthening Decoction
TCMFx2446 Wind Chasing Decoction 搜风通络汤
TCMFx5370 Wu Gong Zhui Feng Ointment 蜈蚣追风膏
TCMFx5973 Xiao Er Jie Re Pills 小儿解热丸
TCMFx6046 Xiao Er Kang Jing Tablets 小儿抗惊片
TCMFx6198 Xiao Er Qi Zhen Tablets 小儿七珍片
TCMFx283 Xiao Er Jie Re Pills 小儿解热丸
TCMFx552 Yi Xian Pills 医痫丸
TCMF6348 Yi Zhu Tian Wine 一柱天酒
TCMFx6804 Zhi Sheng Bao Yuan Pills 至圣保元丸
TCMFx321 Zhi Tong Hua Zheng Capsule 止痛化症胶囊
TCMF6634 Zhi Tong Hua Zheng Capsules 止痛化症胶囊
TCMFx320 Zhi Tong Hua Zheng Tablet 止痛化症片
TCMFx6216 Zhong Feng Hui Chun Pills 中风回春丸
TCMFx326 Zhong Feng Hui Chun Pills 中风回春丸
TCMFx327 Zhong Feng Hui Chun Tablet 中风回春片
TCMF6686 Zhui Feng Zhuang Gu Ointment 追风壮骨膏

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation

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2. TCM Prescriptions with the Component  
3. Putative Targets  
4. Activity & References for Filtering Putative Targets  
5. Ingredient Data & Chemical Structure Information (Properties, InChI, InChIkey, SMILES, etc.)