Component: Radix rehmanniae 生地黄

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
Radix rehmanniae
English Name
Fresh rehmannia root
Chinese Pinyin Name
Sheng Di Huang
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
Heat clearence
Therapeutic Class Chinese
clear heat and cool blood, nourish yin and promote the production of body fluids
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMF2254 Added Flavor BHDH Decoction 加味百合地黄汤
TCMF2510 Added Flavor Dang Gui Drink 加味当归饮
TCMF2307 Added Flavor JA Four Object Decoction 加味胶艾四物汤
TCMFx1873 Added Flavor JH Drink 加味胶红饮
TCMF2377 Added Flavor Two Place Decoction 加味两地汤
TCMF2100 Aifu Nuangong Pills 艾附暖宫丸
TCMF2258 Anshen Buxin Pills 安神补心丸
TCMF1361 Anshen Buxin Pills, Sedative and Heart-Invigorating Pill 安神补心丸
TCMFx1756 Artemisia Amyda Decoction 青蒿鳖甲汤
TCMF2604 Babao Kunshun Pills 八宝坤顺丸
TCMF1429 Babao Kunshun Pills 八宝坤顺丸
TCMF1366 Baihe Gujin Pills 百合固金丸
TCMF2272 Baihe Gujin Pills 百合固金丸
TCMF2850 Bao Yin Decoction 保阴煎
TCMF2083 Bazhen Pills 八珍丸
TCMF1324 Bazhen Pills 八珍丸
TCMFx1997 Bleeding Control Decoction
TCMFx2325 Bolus for Serious Endogenous Wind Syndrome, Major Wind Calming Pill 大定风珠
TCMF2627 Bolus of Dendrobii for Poor Vision 石斛夜光丸
TCMF1447 Bolus of Dendrobii for Poor Vision 石斛夜光丸
TCMF7415 Bu Yin Decoction 补阴汤
TCMF2731 Bupleurum Decoction to Clear the Liver 柴胡清肝汤
TCMFx1635 Bushen Guchi Pills 补肾固齿丸
TCMF7433 Chai Hu Qing Gan Decoction 柴胡清肝汤
TCMFx1402 Chanfukang Granules 产复康颗粒
TCMFx2521 Chanfukang Granules 产复康颗粒
TCMF2471 Children's Cold Tablet 小儿感冒片
TCMF1747 Cinnabar Sedating Pills 朱砂安神丸
TCMF2379 Clearing and Stablizing Period Decoction 清化宁经汤
TCMFx1966 Combination LGT Fries Recipe 复方雷公藤煎剂
TCMF2280 Combined Recipe Untidiness Control Bolus 复方脏连丸
TCMF2340 Contusion Clearing Decoction 血府逐瘀汤
TCMF2608 Cow-bezoar Bolus for Clearing away Heat of the Upper Part of the Body 牛黄上清丸
TCMF2843 Da Qin Jiao Decoction 大秦艽汤
TCMF368 Dan Xi Granules 丹膝颗粒
TCMF2826 Dang Gui Decoction 当归饮子
TCMF7338 Dang Gui Liu Huang Decoction 当归六黄汤
TCMF2836 Dang Gui Liu Huang Decoction 当归六黄汤
TCMF7428 Dang Gui Yin Zi 当归饮子
TCMF1365 Danggui Yangxue Pills 当归养血丸
TCMF2271 Danggui Yangxue Pills 当归养血丸
TCMF7326 Dao Chi Powder 导赤散
TCMF2157 Dazao Bolus 大造丸
TCMF2169 Decoction for Chyluria
TCMF2144 Decoction for Clearing Away Heat Evil in Yingfen 清营汤
TCMF2052 Decoction for Dysphagia 通幽汤
TCMF2486 Decoction for Purging Liver Fire and Eliminating Dampness 清肝渗湿汤
TCMF2609 Decoction for Restoring Yin and Purging Fire
TCMF1902 Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis with Six Drugs 当归六黄汤
TCMF2241 Decoction of Cephalanoploris 小蓟饮子
TCMF2039 Decoction of Colla Corii Asini and Artemisiae Argyi 胶艾汤
TCMF2228 Decoction of Cornu Saigae Tataricae and Uncariae cum Uncis, Decoction of Antelope's Horn and Uncaria Stem 羚角钩藤汤
TCMF2581 Decoction of Gentianae Macrophyllae 大秦艽汤
TCMF7257 Decoction of Lillii for Strengthening Lung, Lily Decoction for Strengthening the Lung, Lilium Lung Preserving Decoction 百合固金汤
TCMF2136 Decoction of Nine Ingredients Containing Notopterygii 九味羌活汤
TCMF7271 Decoction of Nine Ingredients Containing Notopterygii 九味羌活汤
TCMFx1838 Decoction of Rehmanniae and Obstetrics 两地汤
TCMFx1795 Decoction of Seven-Ingredients 葱白七味饮
TCMF2243 Decoction of Yellow Dragon with Supplements 新加黄龙汤
TCMFx1563 Decoction to Increase Body Fluids 增液汤
TCMFx1724 Decoction to Treat Diphtheria 抗白喉合剂
TCMF2493 Detoxification and Qi Benefiting Decoction
TCMF2288 Diabetes and Kidney Decoction
TCMFx1684 Diabetes Pill 玉泉丸
TCMF2369 Diabetes Relieving Decorction 姜糖饮
TCMF7343 Diao Jing Pills 调经丸
TCMF2607 Dingkun Pills, Bolus for Woman Diseases 定坤丹
TCMF1432 Dingkun Pills, Bolus for Woman Diseases 定坤丹
TCMF2528 Divine Ruler Heart Restoring Pills 天王补心丹
TCMF2619 Donkey-hide Gelatin with Ginseng and Pilose Antler 参茸阿胶
TCMF2092 Double Yin Fries 二阴煎
TCMF7300 Du Huo Ji Sheng Decoction 独活寄生汤
TCMF2562 Duhuo Jisheng Decoction 独活寄生汤
TCMF2718 Eliminate Wind Powder 消风散
TCMFx2030 Erlong Zuoci Pills 耳聋左磁丸
TCMF1675 Four Fresh Ingredients Pills 四生丸
TCMF2370 Four Shen Pulse Recovery Decoction 四参复脉汤
TCMFx1817 Four Substance Decoction with Safflower and Peach Pit 桃红四物汤
TCMF2368 Fuke Fenqing Pills 妇科分清丸
TCMF1379 Fuke Fenqing Pills 妇科分清丸
TCMF7316 Gan Cao Decoction 甘草汤
TCMF2831 Gan Lu Decoction 甘露饮
TCMF7318 Gan Lu Decoction 甘露饮
TCMF2316 Gastrodia Capsule 天麻胶囊
TCMF2230 Gentiana Liver Clearing Decoction 龙胆泻肝汤
TCMF2681 Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain the Liver 龙胆泻肝汤
TCMF2121 GMLM Decoction
TCMF4015 Gui Ling Ointment 龟苓膏
TCMFx2349 Headach Recipe 治偏头痛方
TCMFx2594 Hear Clearng Decoction
TCMFx2077 Heart Stablizing Decoction
TCMF2628 Heart Tonification and Calming Cream 补心安神膏
TCMF2361 Heart-Calming Decoction 宁心汤
TCMF2372 Heat Clearing Period Decoction 清热固冲汤
TCMF2035 Heche Dazao Pills 河车大造丸
TCMF2701 Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction 甘草汤
TCMF6901 Huang Di Yang Yin Granules 黄地养阴颗粒
TCMFx2884 Huang Lian Gao 黄连膏
TCMFx2185 Hyperthyroidism Reduction Bolus
TCMF2344 Jianbu Pills 健步丸
TCMF1375 Jianbu Pills 健步丸
TCMF7223 Jin Lian Qing Re Capsules 金莲清热胶囊
TCMFx2213 Jisheng Shenqi Pills 济生肾气丸
TCMFx1348 Jisheng Shenqi Pills; Kidney Yang Restoring Edema Reducing Pill 济生肾气丸
TCMF2164 Jiuwei Oianghuo Granules 九味羌活颗粒
TCMF1341 Jiuwei Oianghuo Granules 九味羌活颗粒
TCMF2165 Jiuwei Qianghuo Pills 九味羌活丸
TCMF1342 Jiuwei Qianghuo Pills 九味羌活丸
TCMFx1412 Juhong Pills 橘红丸
TCMFx2564 Juhong Pills; Tangerine Peel Bolus 橘红丸
TCMFx6967 Kang Shuai Lao Tablets 抗衰老片
TCMFx2069 Kidney Qi Pill 肾气丸
TCMF1581 Kidney Strengthening Recipe 健肾方
TCMFx1953 Lan Di Cold Relieving Decoction
TCMFx2879 Liang Di Decoction 两地汤
TCMF2889 Liang Xue Di Huang Decoction 凉血地黄汤
TCMF2203 Lilium Lung Preserving Decoction 百合固金汤
TCMFx2623 Lingyang Qingfei Pills 羚羊清肺丸
TCMFx1443 Lingyang Qingfei Pills 羚羊清肺丸
TCMF2289 Liver Cleansing Fetus Calming Drink
TCMFx2492 Liver Soothing Effector
TCMF7322 Long Dan Xie Gan Decoction 龙胆泻肝汤
TCMF1363 Longdan Xiegan Pills 龙胆泻肝丸
TCMF2269 Longdan Xiegan Pills; Bolus of Gentian for Purging Liver-fire 龙胆泻肝丸
TCMFx2425 Lump Desolving Fries 小营煎
TCMF2468 Lung Clearing Decoction
TCMF1921 Lung Fire Clearing Decoction 芩连四物汤
TCMF1940 Lung Tonification Decoction 补肺参精汤
TCMFx2012 Lung-heat-Clearing Syrup of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb 川贝清肺糖浆
TCMF1804 Modified Pulse Restoring Decoction 加减复脉汤
TCMFx1744 Moistening Qi Regulating Decoction 增液乘气汤
TCMF2177 Nine Herb Furuncle Drink
TCMF1433 Niuhuang Shangqing Pills 牛黄上清丸
TCMFx2634 Oral Liquid of Sea Dragon and Gecko 海龙蛤蚧精
TCMFx2520 Pigment Control Decoction 紫癜汤
TCMF2055 Pigment Desolving Decoction 消斑汤
TCMF2612 Pills of Dioscoreae 薯蓣丸
TCMF2308 Plus and Minus Qi Assisting Decoction
TCMF2268 Plus and Minus Small Radix Bupleuri Decoction 加减小柴胡汤
TCMF2526 Poison Eliminating Cooling Decoction 清瘟败毒饮
TCMF2484 Powder for Dispersing Pathogenic Wind 消凤散
TCMF2538 Powder of Astragali seu Hedysari and Carapax Trionycis 黄芪鳖甲散
TCMFx2489 Powder of Dianthi
TCMF2583 Powder of Ginseng and Astragali seu Hedysari 人参黄芪散
TCMF1649 Promoting Diuresis Powder 导赤散
TCMFx2173 Qi Benefiting and Yin Nourishing Decoction 益气养阴汤
TCMF2084 Qiju Dihuang Pills 杞菊地黄丸
TCMF1325 Qiju Dihuang Pills; Lycium Chrysanthemum Rehmannia Pill 杞菊地黄丸
TCMF2878 Qing Gan Zhi Lin Decoction 清肝止淋汤
TCMF7424 Qing Liang Powder 清凉散
TCMFx2835 Qing Wei Powder 清胃散
TCMFx7323 Qing Wei Powder 清胃散
TCMFx1767 Qinghouyan Mixture 清喉咽合剂
TCMFx2503 Qingnao Jiangya Tablets 清脑降压片
TCMF2441 Qingre Jiedu Oral Liquid 清热解毒口服液
TCMF2554 Qingwei Huanglian Pills 清胃黄连丸
TCMFx1666 Qiongyu Extractum 琼玉膏
TCMF2702 Relax the Channels and Invigorate the Blood Decoction 疏经活血汤
TCMFx1679 Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction 犀角地黄汤
TCMF2155 Roast Glycyrrhiza Decoction 甘草汤
TCMF7388 Run Chang Decoction 润肠汤
TCMF7076 Run Zao Zhi Yang Capsules 润燥止痒胶囊
TCMF2833 San Bi Decoction 三痹汤
TCMF7299 San Bi Decoction 三痹汤
TCMFx1826 Semifluid extract of motherwort  益母草膏
TCMF2550 SG Two Yellowness Decoction
TCMF2837 Sheng Yu Decoction 圣愈汤
TCMF1364 Shiquan Dabu Pills 十全大补丸
TCMF2270 Shiquan Dabu Pills; Bolus of Ten Powerful Tonics 十全大补丸
TCMF1397 Shouwu Pills 首乌丸
TCMF2496 Shouwu Pills 首乌丸
TCMF7291 Shu Jing Huo Xue Decoction 疏经活血汤
TCMF2211 Stagnation Desolving Decoction 会厌逐瘀汤
TCMFx1728 Stomach Cooling Powder 清胃散
TCMFx2201 Stone Repulsion Decoction
TCMF2206 Sweet Dew Decoction 甘露饮
TCMF2725 Szechwan Lovage Rhizoma, Angelica Root, Ass-Hide Glue and Argy Wormwood Leaf Decoction 芎归胶艾汤
TCMF1782 Taiyi Plaster 太乙膏
TCMF2753 Tang kuei and Tribulus Combination 当归饮子
TCMFx2886 Tao Hong Si Wu Decoction 桃红四物汤
TCMF2146 Three Skin Pulse Restoring Decoction 三甲复脉汤
TCMF2387 Throat Clearing Decoction 清咽汤
TCMF1357 Tianma Pills; Gastrodia Tuber Bolus 天麻丸
TCMF2238 Tianma Pills; Gastrodia Tuber Bolus 天麻丸
TCMF2589 Tianwang Buxin Pills 天王补心丸
TCMF1422 Tianwang Buxin Pills 天王补心丸
TCMFx2114 Tonic Semifluid Extract of Ginseng 人参滋补膏
TCMFx2346 Tonification and Guide Decoction
TCMF2501 Tree Flower Haemorrhoid Control Decoction 槐花消痔汤
TCMFx1482 Two Herb Tonfication Decoction 百合地黄汤
TCMF5425 Wang Hui Hui Gou Pi Ointment 王回回狗皮膏
TCMF2610 White Phoenix Bolus of Black-bone Chicken 乌鸡白凤丸
TCMF7296 Xiao Feng Powder 消风散
TCMF7399 Xiao Zhi Pills 消痣丸
TCMF7403 Xiong Gui Jiao Ai Decoction 芎归胶艾汤
TCMF7292 Xue Fu Zhu Yu Decoction 血府逐瘀汤
TCMFx7004 Yang Yin Kou Xiang Recipe 养阴口香合剂
TCMF1915 Yellow Earth Decoction 黄土汤
TCMFx2873 Yi Guan Decoction 一贯煎
TCMFx2867 Yi Wei Decoction 益胃汤
TCMFx1825 Yin Generating Liver Opening Prescription 一贯煎
TCMF2058 Yin Generating Lung Clearing Decoction 养阴清肺汤
TCMF2744 Yin Nourishing and Fire Eliminating Decoction 滋阴降火汤
TCMF2593 Yin Nourishing Digestion Decoction 滋阴清化汤
TCMF1827 Yin Qiao Decoction 银翘汤
TCMF2374 Yuan Shen Anti-Hypertensive Decoction 玄参钩藤汤
TCMF7417 Zi Yin Di Huang Pills 滋阴地黄丸
TCMF7329 Zi Yin Jiang Huo Decoction 滋阴降火汤

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID
TCMT1 EHMT2 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase, H3 lysine-9 specific 3 Transferase Q96KQ7
TCMT133 CA1 Carbonic anhydrase I Lyase P00915
TCMT134 CA2 Carbonic anhydrase II Lyase P00918
TCMT135 CA14 Carbonic anhydrase XIV Lyase Q9ULX7
TCMT136 CA12 Carbonic anhydrase XII Lyase O43570
TCMT137 CA9 Carbonic anhydrase IX Lyase Q16790
TCMT138 CA7 Carbonic anhydrase VII Lyase P43166
TCMT189 DUSP3 Dual specificity protein phosphatase 3 Hydrolase P51452
TCMT267 GABRR1 GABA receptor rho-1 subunit Ion channel P24046
TCMT27 DRD1 Dopamine D1 receptor GPCR P21728
TCMT306 MMP2 Matrix metalloproteinase-2 Hydrolase P08253
TCMT320 MMP3 Matrix metalloproteinase 3 Hydrolase P08254
TCMT321 MMP9 Matrix metalloproteinase 9 Hydrolase P14780
TCMT322 MMP13 Matrix metalloproteinase 13 Hydrolase P45452
TCMT42 KMT2A Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase MLL Transferase Q03164
TCMT619 HSP90AA1 Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha Unclassified P07900
TCMT632 PNP Purine nucleoside phosphorylase Transferase P00491
TCMT69 THRB Thyroid hormone receptor beta-1 Nuclear receptor P10828
TCMT734 MMP12 Matrix metalloproteinase 12 Hydrolase P39900

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues

Ingredient ID: TCMC1566
Formula: C10H10O3

Ingredient ID: TCMC1378
Formula: C29H36O15

Ingredient ID: TCMC1298
Formula: C10H13N5O5

Ingredient ID: TCMC1209
Formula: C4H9NO2


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation
TCMC1209 C4H9NO2 Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid 103.06 -1.2313 1.57 -0.668 3 2 63.32 5 0 7 0
TCMC1298 C10H13N5O5 Guanosine 283.09 -2.2152 1.46 -1.643 10 6 156.21 6 3 20 1
TCMC1378 C29H36O15 Isoacteoside 624.21 -4.2978 3 -0.202 11 9 245.29 21 4 44 3
TCMC1566 C10H10O3 Methyl P-Hydroxycinnamate 178.06 -0.088 2.23 2.207 2 1 46.53 5 1 13 0

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