Component: NA 马来酸氯苯那敏

Description of the Component

Component ID
Latin Name
English Name
Chinese Pinyin Name
Ma Lai Suan Lv Ben Na Min
TCM Properties
TCM Meridians
Therapeutic Class English
Therapeutic Class Chinese
Geo-authentic habitats (道地产区)
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2015)
Barcode ID
Barcode Source

TCM Prescriptions with the Component

Prescription ID Prescription English Name Prescription Chinese Name
TCMFx2921 An Chuan Tablets 安喘片
TCMF1168 Bi Yan Kang Tablet 鼻炎康片
TCMF3803 Cang E Bi Yan Tablets 苍鹅鼻炎片
TCMF3497 Chuan Xi Ling Capsules 喘息灵胶囊
TCMFx3499 Fu Fang Gan Mao Ling Granules 复方感冒灵颗粒
TCMFx3507 Fu Fang Gan Mao Ling Tablets 复方感冒灵片
TCMFx3697 Gan Mao An Tablets 感冒安片
TCMFx3776 Gan Mao Ling Capsules 感冒灵胶囊
TCMFx6860 Gan Mao Ling Granules 感冒灵颗粒
TCMFx3785 Gan Mao Qing Capsules 感冒清胶囊
TCMFx3793 Gan Mao Qing Tablets 感冒清片
TCMFx3905 Gan Te Ling Capsules 感特灵胶囊
TCMFx7128 Gu You Ling Ba Bu Ointment 骨友灵巴布膏
TCMFx3553 Gu You Ling Tie Ointment 骨友灵贴膏
TCMFx3720 Guan Fang Gan Mao Tablets 贯防感冒片
TCMFx3728 Guan Huang Gan Mao Granules 贯黄感冒颗粒
TCMFx3993 Kang Le Bi Yan Tablets 康乐鼻炎片
TCMFx4337 Ke Te Ling Capsules 咳特灵胶囊
TCMFx4345 Ke Te Ling Tablets 咳特灵片
TCMFx4674 Pu Gan Tablets 扑感片
TCMFx5054 Su Gan Ning Capsules 速感宁胶囊
TCMFx5061 Su Ke Gan Mao Capsules 速克感冒胶囊
TCMFx5068 Su Ke Gan Mao Tablets 速克感冒片
TCMF1094 Wei C Yin Qiao Tablet 维C银翘片
TCMFx5476 Wei C Yin Qiao Tablets 维C银翘片
TCMFx7212 Wei Cyin Qiao Granules 维C银翘颗粒
TCMFx6844 Zhi Gan Jia Tablets 治感佳片
TCMFx6840 Zhi Gan Jie Capsules 治感佳胶囊
TCMFx6309 Zhong Gan Ling Tablets 重感灵片

Targeted Human Proteins by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Gene Symbol Target Name Target Class Uniprot ID

Targeted Pathogenic Microbes by the Ingredient of Component

Target ID Target Name

Ingredient Structrues


Ingredient ID Formulae Name MW AlogP MlogP XlogP # HBA # HBD PSA # Rotatable Bond # Ring # Heacy Atom Lipinski RO5 Violation

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2. TCM Prescriptions with the Component  
3. Putative Targets  
4. Activity & References for Filtering Putative Targets  
5. Ingredient Data & Chemical Structure Information (Properties, InChI, InChIkey, SMILES, etc.)