Plant Name Plant Genus Plant Family Plant Category No. of Human Target Genes No. of Gene Ontology Terms No. of KEGG Pathways No. of Related Human Diseases
Amaranthus Hybr Amaranthus Amaranthaceae 10 100 8 78
Celosia Argentea Celosia Amaranthaceae 0 0 0 0
Amaranthus Caudatus Amaranthus Amaranthaceae 10 84 8 55
Celosia Cristada Celosia Amaranthaceae 1 0 0 0
Cyathula Tomentosa Cyathula Amaranthaceae 8 0 0 60
Alternanthera Philoxeroides Alternanthera Amaranthaceae 0 0 0 0
Amaranthus Spinosus Amaranthus Amaranthaceae 12 100 26 122
Achyranthes Obtusifolia Achyranthes Amaranthaceae 2 0 0 13
Achyranthes Aspera Achyranthes Amaranthaceae 5 0 0 41
Celosia Cristata Celosia Amaranthaceae 0 0 0 0
Achyranthes Fauriei Achyranthes Amaranthaceae 12 100 4 80
Amaranthus Hypochondriacus Amaranthus Amaranthaceae 40 100 45 199
Cyathula Capitata Cyathula Amaranthaceae 0 0 0 0
Charpentiera Obovata Charpentiera Amaranthaceae 12 100 3 74
Achyranthes Bidentata Achyranthes Amaranthaceae 14 100 2 82
Achyranthes Japonica Achyranthes Amaranthaceae 12 100 4 80
Amaranthus Lividus Amaranthus Amaranthaceae 0 0 0 0